course information of 103 - 2 | 2180 East-Asian Capitalism(東亞資本主義)

Taught In English2180 - 東亞資本主義 East-Asian Capitalism

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 由於金融專業進入門檻極高,但是影響卻無所不在無所。希冀藉由介紹台灣的以中央銀行為核心的金融社會建立,所展現的現代金融社會的內涵,以分析何以金融成為當代資本主義社會資源分配之至高點。且伴隨著全球化的變遷,對政治、經濟、社會造成全面、穿透性的影響與衝擊。 本課程第一部為東亞經濟社會總論﹐兼及1945年台灣光復至1949年台灣之政經情勢﹐以及新台幣發行始因。第二部份以1950年韓戰爆發美國經援台灣至1958年外匯改革﹐與台灣金融市場的萌芽。第三部份為1960年為因應美援停止所採取的19點財經改革方案﹐以租稅減免獎勵投資、發展出口導向的經濟,中央銀在台復業的法治化。第四部份為中央銀行貨幣政策建立貨幣政策建立初始-如何在國民所得只有172美元的困窘情形下﹐藉由鼓勵儲蓄、累積可貸資金以取代美援成為經濟投資的動能。此期間以郵政儲金為典型。第五部份則以1970-80年建立貨幣市場、外匯市場、利率、匯率自由化﹐說明貨幣政策與經濟發展的關連性﹐以及如何成功的渡過兩次國際能源危機。藉由台灣金融社會發展的經驗﹐讓學生明瞭金融如何成為經濟發展中國家的重要手段與發動器。 課程進行方式: 包括演講、討論以及學生對案例的課堂報告,修課學生於課堂報告時需要準備簡報綱要與評論資料,同時需要於每週課前閱讀完指定教材,並且積極收集相關的補充資料。課程重視學生在課堂上的參與討論與分析經驗現象,旨在訓練社會系學生增加對金融專業領域的認識,利用金融與社會的不同議題去反思自身與世界之間複雜且緊密的連結關係,除了關注所處台灣金融體制的轉型與衝擊,同時也能掌握金融全球化對台灣的政治、經濟、文化所造成的影響。Course Target: Because the entry of financial profession is extremely high, the impact is nothing but nothing. We hope to analyze why finance has become the highest point of resource allocation in contemporary capitalism by introducing the establishment of a financial society in Taiwan with the central bank as the core. And with the changes in globalization, it has a comprehensive and penetrating impact on politics, economy and society. The first part of this course is a summary of the Eastern Asian Economic Society, as well as the political situation of Taiwan's revival from 1945 to 1949, and the origin of the issuance of the new Taiwan currency. The second part is the emergence of Taiwan's financial market with the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 and the US aid to Taiwan's foreign exchange reform from 1958. The third part is the rule of law in Taiwan in 1960, in response to the 19-point financial reform plan adopted by US aid, and the leasing tax reduction and exemption of investment and development of export-oriented economy. The fourth part is to establish the central bank's currency policy. The initial establishment of the currency policy - how to encourage savings and accumulate loanable funds to replace US aid as economic investment in a difficult situation where the national income is only $172. This period is typical of mail cash. The fifth part will establish the liberalization of currency market, foreign exchange market, interest rates and exchange rates from 1970 to 80 to explain the correlation between currency policy and economic development and how to successfully overcome the two international energy crises. Through Taiwan’s financial and social development experience, students can understand how finance becomes an important means and developer for economic developing countries. How to proceed with courses: It includes lectures, discussions, and student class reports on cases. Students need to prepare brief and commentary materials when reporting in class. At the same time, they need to read the designated textbooks before each week, and collect relevant supplementary materials very carefully. The course focuses on students' participation, discussion and analysis experience phenomena in the classroom, aiming to train students in the social department to increase their understanding of the financial professional field, and use different issues of finance and society to reflect on the complex and close relationship between themselves and the world. In addition to paying attention to the transformation and impact of Taiwan's financial system, it can also grasp the impact of financial globalization on Taiwan's politics, economy and culture.

參考書目 Reference Books

Please refer to weekly progress

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance to the meeting
Class Report
Midterm Report
20 請於期中考當週以隨堂考試的方式繳交(2000字)內容要求: 以實際授課進度為主。
Final report
30 請於期末考當週以隨堂考試方式繳交(約2000字)。內容要求:以實際授課進度為主。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[A103]
授課教師 Teacher:刁曼蓬
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 16 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 16 人。

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