course information of 103 - 2 | 2178 Environmental Changing & Health Reporting(環境與社會採訪寫作)

Taught In English2178 - 環境與社會採訪寫作 Environmental Changing & Health Reporting

教育目標 Course Target

藉由十八週的課程,讓同學認識環境健康與社會的核心議題。 ˙閱讀三本以上專業典籍。 ˙ 能夠以一千五百字的篇幅,提綱挈領的將環保與健康議題深入淺出的表達。 ˙ 在就業的職場競爭中,增加競爭強項﹐以利工作機會之取得(近年來不論行政機關之國考或企業機構媒體人才招募﹐多採公開招考形式﹐在招考時中文、英文、時事經常為必考的項目﹐其中環境與健康之報導多為主流媒體之必備)。Through the eighteen-week course, students can understand the core issues of environmental health and society. ˙Read more than three professional classics. ˙ It can provide in-depth and clear expressions of environmental protection and health issues with 1,500 words. ˙ In the field competition of employment, increase competition to facilitate the acquisition of work opportunities (in recent years, regardless of administrative agencies' national examinations or corporate institutions' talent recruitment, more public recruitment forms are adopted. Chinese, English, and current affairs are often required for recruitment, among which environmental and health reporting is mostly a must-have for mainstream media).

參考書目 Reference Books

社會學 Sociology 作者:吉登斯(A. Giddens)
環境台灣(天下雜誌 1996)
防癌清靜飲食(王群光醫師2000 年)
寂靜的春天Silent Spring(Rachel Carson 1962,)李文昭譯,晨星出版http://science.nchc.org.tw/EPoSC/1022WSC/lecture/20140521.pdf)

Social Science Sociology Author: A. Giddens
Kyoto Decision Book Reference Website: http://www.tri.org.tw/unfccc/Unfccc/UNFCCC02.htm
Carbon rights trading reference website: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%A2%B3%E4%BA%A4%E6%98%93
Environmental Taiwan (Tianxia Magazine 1996)
Anti-cancer and clear silence diet (Dr. Wang Qunguang 2000)
Silent Spring (Rachel Carson 1962,) Li Wenzhao, published by Morning Star http://science.nchc.org.tw/EPoSC/1022WSC/lecture/20140521.pdf)

Environmental Caremont Crisis (Published by Lin Tianshuang in 2001)
Genetic Food Noodles (Published by Su Changzhi Yuanqi)
Fast Food Republic (Tianxia Magazine Published 2002)
Wolf Picture (Jiang Rong, Wind Times 2005)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance to the meeting
Class Report
Midterm Report
20 以隨堂考試方式於期中考當週上課時繳交(1500字)內容要求:試授課進度訂定
Final report
30 請於期末考前一週上課時繳交(約2000字)。內容要求:以課程重點為主

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[C118]
授課教師 Teacher:刁曼蓬
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 15 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 15 人。

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