course information of 103 - 2 | 2174 Food, Consumption and Society(食品、消費與社會實踐)

Taught In English2174 - 食品、消費與社會實踐 Food, Consumption and Society

教育目標 Course Target

一、課程簡介 ~~吃,也可以是有深度、有趣味的思考。 ~~懂得如何吃,就是去發現我們的飲食選擇對他人造成的影響,並勇於承擔因此產生的責任。~~ 本課程是由教育部「人文及社會科學知識跨界應用能力培育試辦計畫」(簡稱人社知識跨界)經費所支持,也是由本校不同系所老師一起組成的團隊課程,因此,本課程的目的是要讓同學在不同科系所提供的資源之間,能有更多學習機會。其次,「人社知識跨界」課程的特色在於強調學校內部與外部的實作場域,提供社會科學科系學生瞭解社會場域(有機蔬菜、動物福利雞蛋的生產流程、在校外有三義生態園區等),以及在實作中與社區居民合作,學習開創不同的社會設計模式。1. Course introduction ~~Eat can also be in-depth and interesting thinking. ~~Knowing how to eat means discovering the impact our dietary choices have on others, and being brave enough to bear the responsibilities that arise from this. ~~ This course is supported by the Ministry of Education’s “Trial Plan for Cultivating Cross-border Application Capacity of Humanities and Social Sciences” (simplified cross-border Human Resources and Social Sciences Knowledge Cross-border) Course. It is also a team course composed of teachers from different departments of the school. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to allow students to have more learning opportunities among the resources provided by different departments. Secondly, the "Cross-Border Human Resources and Social Knowledge" course is characterized by strengthening the internal and external practical fields of the school, providing social science department students with understanding the social field (the production process of organic vegetables, animal welfare eggs, three-dimensional ecological parks outside the school, etc.), and cooperating with community residents in their work to learn to create different social design models.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 菲立德•費南德茲---阿梅斯托,2005。《食物的歷史:透視人類的飲食與文明》。左岸出版社。第二、八章。★
2. 艾瑞克•西洛瑟著,陳琇玲翻譯,2002。《速食共和國:速食的黑暗面》。台北: 天下雜誌。第6, 9章。
3. Nestle, Marion,《美味的陷阱:驚爆誇大健康的食品謊言》。世茂出版社。第二篇(4-7章)。★
4. 拉吉•怕特爾,2009。《糧食戰爭:市場、權力以及世界食物體系的隱形之戰》。高寶書版。第1,5,6,9,10章 ★
5. 麥可•波倫著,鄧子衿譯,2012,《雜食者的兩難:速食、有機和野生食物的自然史》。遠足文化。第11—14章。
6. 《消費社會學》中的第五章「廣告」、第六章「東亞地區的美食與旅遊︰個案研究」 ★
7. 鄭斐文,2010,於林富士編《食品科技與現代文明科技食品的社會學:台灣保健食品的科技與社會分析》。稻香出版。★
8. 朱立安•吉巴尼,謝佩妏譯,《吃的美德:餐桌上的哲學思考》。商周出版。Chapter 1, 6, 12。★

9. 《動物權與動物福利小百科》(Encyclpedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare )
10. 特拉姆•史都華,2012。《浪費:全球糧食危機解密》。遠足文化。
11. Social Enterprise Insights社企流著,2014,《社企力!社會企業=翻轉世界的變革力量。用愛創業,做好事又能獲利 》。大雁出版社。
12. Michael Allen Fox著,王瑞香譯。《深層素食主義》。關懷生命協會。
1. Filide Frandez---Amesto, 2005. "The History of Food: A Perspective of Human Diet and Civilization". Zuoban Publishing House. Chapter 2 and 8. ★
2. Written by Eric Silothor, translated by Chen Xiuling, 2002. "Fast Food Republic: The Dark Side of Fast Food". Taipei: The World Magazine. Chapter 6, 9.
3. Nestle, Marion, "The Taste of Delicious: The Food Rights That Shocked Big Health". Shimao Publishing House. Chapter 2 (Chapter 4-7). ★
4. Raj is afraid of Tell, 2009. "Food War: The Invisible Battle of Market, Power and the World Food System". Gaobao Book Edition. Chapter 1,5,6,9,10 ★
5. By McPoron, Tong Zijin, 2012, "Two Difficulties of Dieters: Natural History of Fast Food, Organic and Wild Food". Far enough culture. Chapters 11-14.
6. Chapter 5 "Advertising" and Chapter 6 "Food and Travel in Eastern Asia: Case Study" ★
7. Zheng Feiwen, 2010, edited by Lin Fuji Lin, "Social Science of Food Technology and Modern Civilized Science and Technology: Science and Technology Analysis of Taiwan Health Foods". Daoxiang Published. ★
8. Zhu Lian Gibani, Xie Peixiang Regulation, "The Virtue of Eating: Philosophical Thoughts on the Dining Table". Published by Shang and Zhou dynasties. Chapter 1, 6, 12. ★

Reference reading (please read by yourself):
9. Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare
10. Tram Stewart, 2012. "Waste: Deciphering the Global Food Crisis". Far enough culture.
11. Social Enterprise Insights, 2014, "Social Enterprise Power!" Social enterprises = the power of transformation that transforms the world. Use love to start a business, do good things and make profits》. Dayan Publishing House.
12. By Michael Allen Fox, translated by Wang Ruixiang. "Deep-level Vegetarianism". Related to the Life Association.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
4 book notes
Final report
30 實作的書面報告或影像作品
Regular achievements
15 上課、實作、校外參訪之出席率
Among them, the oral report
15 請將社會企業計畫與進度上台口頭報告,上課時 進行分享。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭斐文
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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