course information of 103 - 2 | 2173 Agriculture, Land &Social Justice(農業、土地與社會正義)

Taught In English2173 - 農業、土地與社會正義 Agriculture, Land &Social Justice

教育目標 Course Target

教學目標: 我們希望,藉著研讀相關文獻、課後的田野觀察與場域學習,同學們可以: � 認識、理解社會正義與土地正義的意義、內涵、巨觀與微觀成因 � 深入分析並了解當今台灣社會的爭議話題 � 觀摩研究者如何對選定的題材進行研究 � 體會不同社會科學與社會學次領域的研究特色 � 培養比較、獨立思考、分析、辯論議題的能力 � 培養多元文化及人文關懷視野 受限於時間,許多精采的理論與個案無法被納入課程內容之中,但是透過對特定個案及理論的討論,我希望讓學生能夠深入理解社會正義的意義與內涵;明白造成台灣當今農業與農地不正義的結構與歷史因素為何,對在地人民與社會又造成何種影響;探討這一過程中的社會意義及其中的權力結構;以及了解農業、土地、正義究竟是如何和社會產生關聯與互動。同學們也將會學習一些基本的社會學概念、理論及方法,知道如何應用這些工具來對相關議題做深入的研究,進而培養社會課題的比較及分析能力。Teaching objectives: We hope that through studying relevant literature, after-class field observations and on-site learning, students can: � Recognize and understand the meaning, connotation, macroscopic and microscopic causes of social justice and land justice � In-depth analysis and understanding of controversial topics in today's Taiwanese society � Observe how researchers conduct research on selected topics � Understand the research characteristics of different social sciences and sociology subfields � Develop the ability to compare, think independently, analyze and debate issues � Cultivate a multicultural and humanistic perspective Due to time constraints, many excellent theories and cases cannot be included in the course content. However, through discussions of specific cases and theories, I hope that students can have a deep understanding of the meaning and connotation of social justice; understand the causes of today's agriculture and farmland in Taiwan. What are the structural and historical factors of injustice, and what impact does it have on local people and society? Explore the social significance of this process and the power structure within it; and understand how agriculture, land, and justice are related to society. Interactive. Students will also learn some basic sociological concepts, theories and methods, know how to apply these tools to conduct in-depth research on related issues, and then develop their comparative and analytical skills on social issues.

參考書目 Reference Books

在此選擇性地列出一些與「正義」有關的參考書籍,有* 號者我們會選讀其中一些章節,其餘文獻請見上課內容。
Rawls, John著、姚大志譯,2011,《做為公平的正義:正義新解》。北京:中國社會科學出版社。(Rawls, John. 2001. Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. Edited by Erin Kelly. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.)

* Rawls, John著、李少軍、杜麗燕、張虹譯,2003,《正義論》。北市:桂冠。(Rawls, John. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.)

Sen, Amartya著、王磊、李航譯,2012,《正義的理念》。北京:中國人民大學出版社。(Sen, Amartya. 2009. The Idea of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.)

* Sandel, Michael著、樂為良譯,2011,《正義:一場思辨之旅》。台北市:雅言文化。(Sandel, Michael. 2009. Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)

Sandel, Michael著、吳四明、姬健梅譯,2012,《錢買不到的東西:金錢與正義的攻防》。台北市:先覺。(Sandel, Michael. 2012. What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)

Harvey, David著、胡大平譯,2010,《正義、自然和差異地理學》。上海:上海人民出版社。(Harvey, David. 1996. Justice, Nature and The Geography of Difference. Cambridge, MA : Blackwell Publishers.)

Sandel, Michael J. 2009. (ed) Justice: A Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nozick, Robert著、何懷宏等譯,1991,《無政府、國家與烏托邦》。北京:中國社會科學出版社。(Nozick, Robert. 1974. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York: Basic Books.)

Reference books:
Here is a selective list of some reference books related to "justice". For those marked with *, we will read some of the chapters. Please refer to the class content for the rest of the literature.
Rawls, John, translated by Yao Dazhi, 2011, "Justice as Fairness: A New Interpretation of Justice". Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. (Rawls, John. 2001. Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. Edited by Erin Kelly. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.)

* Rawls, John, translated by Li Shaojun, Du Liyan, and Zhang Hong, 2003, "A Theory of Justice". North City: Laurel. (Rawls, John. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.)

Sen, Amartya, translated by Wang Lei and Li Hang, 2012, "The Concept of Justice". Beijing: Renmin University of China Press. (Sen, Amartya. 2009. The Idea of ​​Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.)

* Sandel, Michael, translated by Le Weiliang, 2011, "Justice: A Speculative Journey". Taipei City: Yayan Culture. (Sandel, Michael. 2009. Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)

Sandel, Michael, translated by Wu Siming and Ji Jianmei, 2012, "What Money Can't Buy: The Attack and Defense of Money and Justice". Taipei City: Xianjue. (Sandel, Michael. 2012. What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)

Harvey, David, translated by Hu Daping, 2010, "Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference". Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House. (Harvey, David. 1996. Justice, Nature and The Geography of Difference. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.)

Sandel, Michael J. 2009. (ed) Justice: A Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nozick, Robert, translated by He Huaihong and others, 1991, "Anarchy, State and Utopia". Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. (Nozick, Robert. 1974. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York: Basic Books.)

*Taiwan Rural Front, 2012, "The Awakening and Practice of Land Justice: Anthology of Resistance to Enclosure". Taipei City: Taiwan Rural Front, National Chengchi University Third Sector Research Center.

評分方式 Grading

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Attendance & In-class ParticipationAttendance & In-class Participation
attendance & in-class participation
Weekly MemosWeekly Memos
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Discussion LeaderDiscussion Leader
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:陳正慧
修課班級 Class:社會系1-3
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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