course information of 103 - 2 | 2171 Novel and Society(小說與社會:從左翼到魔幻寫實)

Taught In English2171 - 小說與社會:從左翼到魔幻寫實 Novel and Society

教育目標 Course Target

本課程追溯及詮釋當代台灣短篇小說這個文學類型從日治以來至一九九o年代末的發展與演變。概而言之,歷來有兩種主要的研究取向來探索文學與社會的關係。第一種是檢視文學作品內容中所呈現的社會現象(「由文學看社會」);第二種研究取向則是探討社會環境結構如何影響作品的生產與流通,諸如作家的來源及其社會地位,文學贊助(patronage)的形式,出版業的結構,讀者群的人口與社經地位組成成分等等(「文學生產/消費學」)。本課程的取向將採用一多重交互作用的方法架構,來進行對當代台灣短篇小說的三段式文化分析:(1)歷史脈絡化解讀(後殖民史觀)(2)文學體制的制度分析(文學作為一個「文化商品」如何被生產、傳遞、接受及評估)(3)文本分析(文學作為一個「意義結構」的深度詮釋)。本課程特別強調文學與社會之間的「彼此鑲嵌與相互形構」的共生與辯証關係,並不是文學被動而直接地反映社會現狀,而是社會結構本身就積極地介入文學生產與接收的過程。 此三段式文化分析的綱要約略如下:就歷史發展脈絡而言,台灣文學孕育於三個重要的歷史主軸,一是原住民史,一是移民史,一是殖民史。如斯多元而又異質的歷史經驗積淀與集體記憶,使台灣的文學史詮釋,有如各方不同對立的權力與意識形態之間,相互競逐與角力的諸神的戰場。本課程試圖透過後殖民文學史觀來更寬大地包容和考察在台灣島上孕育出來的文學。文學的歷史解釋,並不能脫離作家與作品所賴以孕育的社會而進行建構。當代台灣文學史的評價與解釋,因此就必需被放在台灣歷史發展的脈絡中來看待。就文學體制的制度分析而言,本課程所討論的「文學體制」,不單包括具體的、影響文學作品生產及接受的文化體制(諸如教育體制、媒體、出版業等等),同時也含括社會上經由各種論述的散布流通而獲得正當性、廣被接受的整套文學觀念。取得霸權的強勢論述透過體制力量的運作而散布,滲入整個知識系統,對人們的意識行為產生強大而不為所覺的支配力量。因此,對作品背後文學體制的分析可以幫助我們了解絕對道德原則、市場獲利邏輯、和各類論述系統之間的競逐關係,如何左右著當代台灣文學創作的生產與接受。最後,就文本分析而言,本課程採用的是深度詮釋學,強調對意義的索解與叩問,將作者所寫出的文本視為論述,找出社會、歷史與文化想像投射在文本中且尚未完成的深層意義。透過重新的瞭解,還原當初的文本意義,利用同情的共鳴共感,將文本背後的意識型態與文化意涵加以重新建構。This course traces and describes the development and evolution of contemporary Taiwanese short stories from the Japanese rule to the late 1990s. In summary, there are two major research orientations to explore the relationship between literature and society. The first is to examine the social phenomena presented in the content of literary works (“Social view from literature”); the second research orientation is to explore how social environment structures affect the production and circulation of works, such as the source of writers and their social status, the form of literature sponsorship (patronage), the structure of publishing, the composition of the population and social status of the readers, etc. (“Literature Production/Consumption”). The orientation of this course will adopt a multi-interaction method structure to conduct a three-paragraph cultural analysis of contemporary Taiwan short stories: (1) Historical structural interpretation reading (post-colonial history view) (2) Institutional analysis of the literary system (how literature is produced, circulated, accepted and evaluated as a "cultural commodity") (3) Text analysis (in-depth explanation of literature as a "meaning structure"). This course specifically emphasizes the symbiosis and reconciliation between literature and society. It is not that literature passes and directly reflects social status, but that social structure itself actively intervenes in the process of literature production and reception. The key points of this three-paragraph cultural analysis are as follows: In terms of historical development, Taiwan literature is nurtured in three important historical main arisingers, one is the history of aboriginal people, one is the history of immigration, and the other is the history of coloniality. Such diverse and distinct historical experiences and collective memory make Taiwan's literary history reflect the battle between the power and the form of consciousness of different parties, and the battle between the gods who compete with each other and the struggle. This course tests more tolerate and examine the literature bred on Taiwan Island through postcolonial literature history. The historical interpretation of literature cannot be separated from the society that writers and works have fostered. The evaluation and explanation of contemporary Taiwan’s literary history must be viewed in the context of the development of Taiwan’s historical history. In terms of institutional analysis of the literature system, the "literary system" discussed in this course does not include specific cultural systems that affect the production and acceptance of literary works (such as educational systems, media, publishing, etc.), but also includes a complete set of literary concepts that have obtained a proper and widely accepted social dissemination through the dissemination and circulation of various arguments. The strong argument for gaining hegemony is spread through the operation of institutional power, entering the entire intellectual system, and creating a strong dominant force for people's conscious behavior. Therefore, the analysis of the literary system behind the work can help us understand how the competition between moral principles, market profit logic, and various argumentation systems can influence the production and acceptance of contemporary Taiwanese literary creations. Finally, in terms of text analysis, this course uses in-depth interpretation, emphasizes the interpretation and questioning of meaning, regards the text written by the author as a description, and finds the profound meanings that social, historical and cultural imaginations are projected into the text and have not yet been completed. Through a new understanding, restore the original textual meaning, and use the sympathy of sympathy to reconstruct the ideology and cultural connotation behind the text.

參考書目 Reference Books

Editorial by Mei Jialing and Hao Zixiang, 2002, "Fiction Reading: Part 1". Taipei: Two fish culture.
Edited by Mei Jialing and Hao Zixiang, 2002, "Fiction Reading: Second". Taipei: Two fish culture.

評分方式 Grading

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50 (繳交篇數少於三次者,視同不及格)

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-3415 Novel and Society / 通識:小說與社會:從左翼到魔幻寫實 (共必修2-4,授課教師:黃崇憲,二/2,3,4[SS312-2])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS312-2]
授課教師 Teacher:黃崇憲
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:通識中心3415雙掛課程。不開放隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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