社會階層(social stratification)一向是社會學界的中心議題,也是社會學家在瞭解社會不平等所使用的重要概念,更是市民社會裡在政策辯論時的爭議焦點。在現代社會裡,貧富差距、階級藩籬、性別差異與族群分歧往往透過個人不同身分或所屬群體而出現團體間有不平等的現象,更具體的說,在各種社會生活的場域裡,如嫁娶、擇屋、工作及升遷、教育及醫療資源的取得、收入、休閒型態上均可見不平等的現象。
運用階級結構的概念來解釋社會行動與各種支配、從屬關係,一直是社會學研究的主要取向之一。社會學家關注社會階層化必然存在的嗎?有功用嗎?如何產生?對社會有什麼影響?本課程的主要目的是介紹與討論社會階層與流動的理論與研究,我們將就階層體制的種類、社會階層的理論、社會流動的模式與台灣的社會階層等議題進行討論。首先介紹階層化的結構與形式、古典及現代階層化理論的源流、以及階級結構之分析。進而從教育體制、文化、社會資本及族群與性別的區隔來探討造成社會不平等的原因。Social stratification has always been a central issue in sociology. It is also an important concept used by sociologists to understand social inequality. It is also a focus of controversy in policy debates in civil society. In modern society, the gap between rich and poor, class barriers, gender differences and ethnic differences often lead to inequality between groups through different identities or groups of individuals. More specifically, in various fields of social life, such as marriage, Inequality can be seen in marriage, house selection, work and promotion, access to education and medical resources, income, and leisure patterns.
Generally speaking, the main criteria for defining levels in modern society are income, wealth, occupation, race, and gender. In the class system, rank usually represents wealth, class similarities and differences, status, power, and culture. difference. Social mobility is a dynamic aspect of social stratification and a process of creating, changing, and stabilizing class structure. The phenomenon of people's social class status changing, and its flow size is often regarded as an indicator of the degree of social openness.
Using the concept of class structure to explain social actions and various relationships of dominance and subordination has always been one of the main directions in sociological research. Are sociologists concerned about the inevitable existence of social stratification? Does it have any function? How is it produced? What impact does it have on society? The main purpose of this course is to introduce and discuss the theory and research of social class and mobility. We will discuss the types of class systems, theories of social class, models of social mobility, and social class in Taiwan. First, it introduces the structure and form of stratification, the origins of classical and modern stratification theories, and the analysis of class structure. Then we explore the causes of social inequality from the perspective of education system, culture, social capital, and ethnic and gender distinctions.
Giddens, A.;簡惠美譯,1994,資本主義與現代社會理論:馬克思•涂爾幹•韋伯。台北:遠流出版。
Matras, J.;李明 譯,1990,社會不平等:社會階層化與流動,台北:桂冠。第2章Pp.47-66。
Blau, Peter M., and Otis D. Duncan. 1967. The American Occupational Structure. New York: Wiley. pp. 163-77, 199-205.
Goldthorpe, John H. 1980, Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Press, ch.1.
Goldthorpe, John H. 2000. "Outline a Theory of Social Mobility." Pp. 230-258 in On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives, and the Integration of Research and Theory, edited by J. H. Goldthorpe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tsai, Reuy Ming. 1997.“Leaving the Farmland: Class Structure Transformation and Social Mobility in Taiwan.” 90年代的台灣社會:社會變遷基本調查研究系列二(上).
Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. "The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited." Pp.105-130 in Social Structure and Network Analysis, edited by M. Peter and N. Lin. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
林南;林祐聖、葉欣怡 譯,2005,社會資本,台北:弘智。
吳乃德,1997,”檳榔和拖鞋、西裝及皮鞋:臺灣階級流動的族群差異及其原因”,台灣社會學研究 1:137-167。
托瑪.皮凱提;詹文碩 譯,2014,二十一世紀資本論,台北:衛城出版。
Reference reading:
Giddens, A.; translated by Jian Huimei, 1994, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: Max Durkheim Weber. Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing.
Matras, J.; translated by Li Ming, 1990, Social Inequality: Social Stratification and Mobility, Taipei: Laurel. Chapter 2 pp.47-66.
Xiao Xinhuang (ed.), 1989, The Middle Class in Changing Taiwanese Society, Taipei: Juliu.
Ming-Chang Tsai, 1996, Poverty in Taiwan: A structural analysis of the underclass. Taipei: Juliu.
Chen Dongsheng, 1995, Golden Power City. Taipei: Juliu.
Wang Zhenhuan, 1996, Who Rules Taiwan. Taipei: Juliu.
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Xu Jiayou, 1994, Collection of Comparative Research Papers on Class Structure and Class Consciousness. Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
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Blau, Peter M., and Otis D. Duncan. 1967. The American Occupational Structure. New York: Wiley. pp. 163-77, 199-205.
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Goldthorpe, John H. 1980, Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Press, ch.1.
Goldthorpe, John H. 2000. "Outline a Theory of Social Mobility." Pp. 230-258 in On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives, and the Integration of Research and Theory, edited by J. H. Goldthorpe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂引言與三次作業課堂引言與三次作業 Class Introduction and Three Assignments |
60 | 課堂引言與三次作業各佔15% |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |