course information of 103 - 2 | 2166 Capitalism and Modern Enterprises(資本主義與當代企業)

Taught In English2166 - 資本主義與當代企業 Capitalism and Modern Enterprises

教育目標 Course Target

1. 認識前資本主義與現代資本主義的差異。 2. 引導學生探索現代資本主義的誕生過程,也期待學生在此探索的過程,慢慢探尋自己的安生立命之道。 3. 全面性地認識現代資本主義在政治、經濟、社會與自然環境所引起的矛盾與災難。 4. 更為重要之處,就是要引導學生去面對深陷於現代資本主義矛盾的當代社會-正面對著人類古典價值式微的處境,進而引導學生想像當代社會價值的發展方向。1. Understand the difference between pre-capitalism and modern capitalism. 2. Guide students to explore the process of modern capitalism, and look forward to students' exploration in this process and slowly explore their own way of maintaining peace and life. 3. Comprehensively understand the contradictions and disasters caused by modern capitalism in politics, economy, society and the natural environment. 4. What is more important is to guide students to face the contemporary society that is deeply trapped in the contradiction of modern capitalism - it faces the decline of classical human values, and thus guide students to imagine the development direction of contemporary social values.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 韋伯,《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,簡惠美譯。遠流。
2. 布勞岱爾,《15至18世紀的物質文明、經濟和資本主義 I、II、III》,施康強、顧良等譯。貓頭鷹。
3. 紀登斯,《資本主義與現代社會理論》,簡惠美譯。遠流。
4. 哈維,《資本社會的17個矛盾》。聯經。
5. 富爾徹,《資本主義》。譯林。
6. 陳介玄,台灣企業的轉型策略:從市場價值到社會價值的建構。人文與社會科學簡訊。
1. Wei Bo, "New Education Ethics and Capitalism Spirit", simple and beautiful translation. Far flow.
2. Bullard, "Material Civilization, Economy and Capital Theory I, II, III of the 15th to 18th Century", Shi Kangqiang, and Guliang. Cat head horn.
3. Zhudens, "Mainland Issues and Modern Social Theory", simple and beautiful translation. Far flow.
4. Harvey, "17 Contradictions in Capital Society". Contact.
5. Fuerge, "Stock Theory". Lulin.
6. Chen Jiexuan, Taiwan’s enterprise transformation strategy: the construction of from market value to social value. Humanities and Social Sciences Skills.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
30 以組做為出席表現,每組只要有一人,任意缺席,就算整組缺席。每組成員要彼此關懷。
Sub-group discussion performance
40 每週由老師根據每組的表現(包括閱讀與討論的表現),進行評分。屬於組的成績,個人成績以組的成績計算。
Final report
30 5000字,題目:重建現代資本主義精神的可能與限制。屬於個人成績。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[LAN007]
授課教師 Teacher:王崇名
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:企業與社會必修課程。不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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