course information of 103 - 2 | 2163 Social Practice and Social Innovation(藝術的社會實踐與社會創新)

Taught In English2163 - 藝術的社會實踐與社會創新 Social Practice and Social Innovation

教育目標 Course Target

本課程是教育部補助的「人文及社會科學知識跨界應用能力培育計畫」的課程之一,旨在讓人文社會科學的學生能夠運用核心知識,發揮人文價值及社會關懷的精神,並且在實作模擬場域當中得以實踐,跨領域地進行共創與創新。藝術,向來是提供創意與啟迪的領域,然而它並非僅是涉及美學與形式的範疇,更在當代當中具有社會參與和介入的意涵:Marcuse曾說,「藝術的使命是傳達批判的自由觀,這種自由既源於感官的淨化。也源於對主導社會秩序的具體否定; 藝術的使命,是喚起感覺、體驗及行動的另類視野,以促進社會的改變。」本課程主旨在於結合藝術創造力、人文社會科學知識與場域實作經驗,以東海校園本身提供的實作場域,作為知識與實踐結合的場所。其中並以綠色博雅農場作為主要的實作場域。This course is one of the "Plan for Cultivating Cross-border Application Capacity of Humanities and Social Sciences Knowledge" sponsored by the Ministry of Education. It aims to enable students of humanities and social sciences to use core knowledge, develop the spirit of humanities and social concern, and to implement and conduct co-creation and innovation in the field of practical simulation. Art has always been a domain that provides creativity and enlightenment, but it does not only involve aesthetics and form, but also has the meaning of social participation and intervention in contemporary times: Marcuse once said, "The mission of art is to convey critical freedom, which originates from both the purification of the senses. It also originates from the concrete negation of the main social order; The mission of art is to sing an alternative vision of perception, experience and action to promote social change. "The purpose of this course is to combine artistic creativity, humanities and social science knowledge and field experience, and use the practical field provided by Donghai Campus itself as a venue for combining knowledge and reality. Among them, green Boya farms are used as the main practical field.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Grant H.Kester, 2004, Conversation Pieces: Community+Communication in Modern Art. California: University of California Press. 中譯本:吳瑪悧、謝明學、梁錦鋆譯,2006,《對話性創作:現代藝術中的社群與溝通》。台北:遠流。
2. Suzanne Lacy, 1995, Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art. California: Bay Press.中譯本:吳瑪悧等譯,2004,《量繪形貌:新類型公共藝術》。台北:遠流。
3. 吳瑪悧編,2007,《藝術與公共領域:藝術進入社區》。台北: 遠流。
Main reading book:

1. Grant H.Kester, 2004, Conversation Pieces: Community+Communication in Modern Art. California: University of California Press. Chinese translation: Wu Maju, Xie Ming, Liang Feng, 2006, Dialogue Creation: Community and Communication in Modern Art. Taipei: Far.
2. Suzanne Lacy, 1995, Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art. California: Bay Press. Chinese translation: Wu Masuji et al., 2004, "Measuring the Graphics: New Types of Public Art". Taipei: Far.
3. Wu Magui, 2007, "Art and the Public Domain: Art Entering the Community". Taipei: Far.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Performance and attendance
Midterm Report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:洪儀真
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 39 人。

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