course information of 103 - 2 | 2162 The Social History of Art (II)(藝術的社會史(二))

Taught In English2162 - 藝術的社會史(二) The Social History of Art (II)

教育目標 Course Target

藝術在社會中的發展,並非是純粹美學的課題,而是涉及許多社會條件、文化背景、物質文明的基礎,才得以創造出各時期的藝術結晶。近代西方藝術社會學的知識形成,是一點一滴從傳統哲學領域中的美學之社會學轉向,以及傳統藝術史之社會學轉向中逐漸累積而成的。本課程著重探討藝術的社會史脈絡,不同於傳統藝術史偏重於藝術家及其藝術風格的介紹,我們在涉獵各時期的藝術風格之餘,更致力於探討當時代的社會背景、價值觀、主要思潮、社會制度與社會組織對藝術的影響,以及藝術文化對社會產生的衝擊與效應。本學期延續上學期課程,將接續十七世紀巴洛克藝術之後,從洛可可藝術開始探討,並逐步邁向當代藝術的社會史研究,讓社會系當中對於藝術感興趣的同學,能同時打下藝術史、社會史與社會學的根基,並在將來深入學習藝術社會學理論及考察藝術現象之際,能擁有更紮實的知識基礎、豐富學養與反思能力。The development of art in society is not a purely aesthetic subject, but involves many social conditions, cultural backgrounds, and the basis of material civilization, which enables the creation of artistic crystallization in each period. The knowledge formation of modern Western art sociology was gradually accumulated bit by bit from the sociological turn of aesthetics in the field of traditional philosophy and the sociological turn of traditional art history. This course focuses on exploring the social history of art. Different from traditional art history, which focuses on the introduction of artists and their artistic styles, we not only cover the artistic styles of various periods, but also devote ourselves to exploring the social background, values, and main trends of the era. , the impact of social systems and social organizations on art, and the impact and effects of art and culture on society. This semester is a continuation of the course from the previous semester. It will follow the baroque art of the seventeenth century, start with the discussion of Rococo art, and gradually move towards the study of the social history of contemporary art, so that students in the sociology department who are interested in art can lay a solid foundation in art history at the same time. , social history and sociology foundation, and in the future, when in-depth study of art sociology theory and investigation of art phenomena, they can have a more solid knowledge foundation, enrich their knowledge and reflection ability.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Hauser, A., 1952, The Social History of Art. Vol.II. New York: Knopf.
2. Hauser, A. 著,邱彰譯,2001(二版),《西洋社會藝術進化史》。台北:雄獅美術。
3. Gombrich, E.H.著,雨云譯,《藝術的故事》(The Story of Art)。第五版。台北:聯經。
4. 蔣勳,2011,《西洋美術史》有聲書。新竹:竹科廣播公司出版。(東海圖書館有)
5. Janson, H.W. 1995, History of Art.London, England : Thames and Hudson. (中譯本:唐文娉譯,1989,《美術之旅:人類美術發展史》。台北:桂冠出版社)
6. Steen T. Kittl&Christian Saehrendat著,林宏濤譯,2012,《藝術想怎樣?》。台北: 典藏出版社。
7. 劭大箴主編,汪曉青校訂,2002,《西方美術欣賞》。台北:五南出版社。
Main reading text:

1. Hauser, A., 1952, The Social History of Art. Vol.II. New York: Knopf.
2. Hauser, A., "The Evolution of Art in Western Society", translated by Qiu Zhang, 2001 (second edition). Taipei: Lion Art.
3. Gombrich, E.H., translated by Yuyun, "The Story of Art". Fifth edition. Taipei: Lianjing.
4. Jiang Xun, 2011, "History of Western Art" audiobook. Hsinchu: Published by Zhuke Broadcasting Company. (Available in Donghai Library)
5. Janson, H.W. 1995, History of Art.London, England: Thames and Hudson. (Chinese translation: Translated by Tang Wenping, 1989, "Journey of Art: History of the Development of Human Art". Taipei: Laurel Press)
6. Steen T. Kittl & Christian Saehrendat, translated by Lin Hongtao, 2012, "What Does Art Want?" 》. Taipei: Collection Publishing House.
7. Editor-in-Chief Shao Dazhen, edited by Wang Xiaoqing, 2002, "Appreciation of Western Art". Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily performance and attendance rate
Group work
midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[LAN007]
授課教師 Teacher:洪儀真
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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