course information of 103 - 2 | 2142 European Intellectual History(社會思想史)

Taught In English2142 - 社會思想史 European Intellectual History

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為社會系的核心課程之一,屬於大一下學期必修課,課程目標在於引介西方重要社會思想的源起、脈絡、流變與影響,及重要思想家的論述理念,旨在勾勒現代社會學興起之前的社會思想脈動與歷史泉源,並銜接大一的社會學以及大二的社會學理論課程,以根植社會系學生之知識縱深,培育更廣泛的全球視野以及思辯批判能力。研修思想史是一種社會系學生的啟蒙方式,思想史課程是一種思想訓練,藉由研讀、論辯古往今來他人的思想內容,鍛鍊參與者的思辯方式與思想勇氣,並開展自身的獨立批判思維。This course is one of the core courses of the social system. It is a compulsory course for junior high school. The purpose of the course is to introduce the origin, connection, transformation and influence of important Western social thoughts, as well as the essay concepts of important thinkers. It aims to outline the social ideological movement and history before the rise of modern social science, and to connect with freshman society and sophomore social theory courses, so as to root the deeper knowledge of students in social science and cultivate a broader global vision and critical thinking ability. Studying the history of thought is a way of enlightenment for students in the social department. The course of the history of thought is a training of thought, using reading and discussing the ideological content of others from ancient times to the present, exercising the thinking methods and courage of participants, and developing their own independent critical thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books

Harvey, D./王志弘、徐苔玲譯([2009]2014)《寰宇主義與自由地理》,台北:群學。
McClelland, J. S./彭淮棟譯([1998]2000)《西洋政治思想史》,台北:商周。
Nisbet, R./徐啟智譯([1973]1979)《西方社會思想史》,台北:桂冠。
Polanyi, K./劉揚、馮鋼譯([1944]2007)《大轉型:我們時代的政治與經濟起源》,杭州:浙江人民出版社。
Schmidt, J./徐向東、盧華萍譯([1996]2005)《啟蒙運動與現代性:18世紀與20世紀的對話》,上海:上海人民出版社。
Skirbekk, G.H. and Gilje, N./童世俊、郁振華、劉進譯([2000]2012)《西方哲學史:從古希臘到二十世紀》(上、下),上海:上海譯文出版社。

Delmas, C./吳錫德譯([1980]1989)《歐洲文明》,台北:遠流。
Dirlik, A./孫宜學譯([1991]2006)《中國革命中的無政府主義》,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社。
Foucault, M./林志明譯([1960]1998)《古典時代瘋狂史》,台北:時報。
Foucault, M./林志明譯([1979]1992)《規訓與懲罰:監獄的誕生》,台北:時報。
Moore, B. Jr./蕭純美譯([1966]1995)《民主與獨裁的社會起源》,台北:遠流。
Wilson, E./劉森堯譯([1940]2000)《到芬蘭車站:馬克思主義的起源及發展》,台北:麥田。
Harvey, D./Wang Zhihong, Xu Tailing ([2009] 2014) "Globalism and Free Geography", Taipei: Group Studies.
McClelland, J. S./Peng Huai-chung ([1998] 2000) "History of Western Political Thought", Taipei: Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Nisbet, R./Xu Qizhizhilu ([1973]1979) "History of Western Social Thought", Taipei: Laurel.
Polanyi, K./Liu Yang, Rong Steel Translation ([1944] 2007) "Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Times", Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House.
Schmidt, J./Xu Xiangdong, Lu Hua Pinglu ([1996] 2005) "Initiating Mongolian Sports and Modernity: Dialogues between the 18th Century and the 20th Century", Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Skirbekk, G.H. and Gilje, N./Tong Shijun, Yu Zhenhua, Liu Jinlu ([2000] 2012) "History of Western Philosophy: From Ancient Greek to Twentieth Century" (Part 1 and 2), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Press.

Reference book
Yu Hai (2010) "History of Western Social Thought" (third edition), Shanghai: Yudan University Press.
Long Guanhai and Zhang Chenghan (1992) "History of Western Social Thought" (Fifth Edition), Taipei: Three People.
Delmas, C./Wu Xi Delu ([1980] 1989) "European Civilization", Taipei: Far.
Dirlik, A./Sun Yi’s translation ([1991] 2006) “The Ungovernmental Implications in the Chinese Revolution”, Guilin: Guangxi Tuan University Press.
Foucault, M./Lin Zhiming Lu ([1960] 1998) "A Crazy History of Classical Times", Taipei: Time Report.
Foucault, M./Lin Zhiming Lu ([1979] 1992) "Regulations and Punishment: The Life of the Supervisor", Taipei: Time Report.
Moore, B. Jr./结六生生 ([1966] 1995) "The Social Origin of Democracy and Independence", Taipei: Far.
Wilson, E./Liu Sen translated ([1940] 2000) "To Finland Station: The Origin and Development of Marxism", Taipei: Maitian.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and discussion
20 主要以出席率評分
Sub-group report on the stage
26 包括導讀與提問,主要視各組帶動課堂討論情況評分
Teacher Assistant Course Group Book Report
12 兩份,由助教評分
Personal reading report
6 兩份,主要視閱讀理解能力,由助教評分

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必修-2144 European Intellectual History / 社會思想史 (社會系1B,授課教師:楊友仁,四/2,3,4[SS212])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:楊友仁
修課班級 Class:社會系1A
選課備註 Memo:限本系,不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 100 人。

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