course information of 103 - 2 | 2097 Social Enterprise(社會企業概論)

Taught In English2097 - 社會企業概論 Social Enterprise

教育目標 Course Target

隨著社會結構變化以及經濟成長衰退,各國相繼產生了不同的社會問題,為了減少國家預算以及發展更有效的整合政策,「社會企業」應運而生。雖然社會企業在不同國家中有著不同的定義與發展,但整體而言,融合了個人、環境和社會利益三重底線(tripe bottom line),或者說結合了市場、國家和公民社會三面向混合型態(three-dimensional hybrids)的社會企業,確實成為目前發展的主流趨勢。此外,起源於歐美國家的社會企業概念,近年來也逐漸被台灣部分想要轉型的非營利組織以及欲善盡企業社會責任的企業組織所採行,而這些發展都與傳統的非營利組織以及傳統企業在概念、經營管理等面向上產生差異。 因此,為協助同學瞭解社會企業的概念,本課程將從政府、企業與非營利組織的關係切入,透過介紹傳統非營利組織的概念與定義,進一步帶出社會企業發展的必要性,並搭配國、內外社會企業發展的實際個案,幫助同學更全面的瞭解社會企業在歐美及台灣的發展現狀。With social structure changes and economic growth and decline, different countries have developed different social problems. In order to reduce national budgets and develop more effective integration policies, "social enterprises" should be born. Although social enterprises have different definitions and developments in different countries, overall, social enterprises that integrate personal, environment and social interests, or three-dimensional hybrids, have become the mainstream trend of current development. In addition, the social enterprise concept originated in Europe and the United States has gradually been adopted by some non-profit organizations in Taiwan that want to transform and those that want to do as much as possible corporate social responsibility. These developments have different from traditional non-profit organizations and traditional enterprises in concepts, management and other aspects. Therefore, in order to help students understand the concept of social enterprises, this course will start from the relationship between the government, enterprises and non-profit organizations. By introducing the concepts and definitions of traditional non-profit organizations, it will further bring out the necessity of social enterprises' development, and will be combined with the actual development of domestic and foreign social enterprises to help students more comprehensively understand the development status of social enterprises in Europe, the United States and Taiwan.

參考書目 Reference Books

林淑馨 (2008)。非營利組織管理。台北:三民。
官有垣、陳錦棠、陸宛蘋、王仕圖 (2012)。社會企業。台北:巨流。
Lin Shuxin (2008). Non-profit organization management. Taipei: Three people.
Officials include Yuan, Chen Fengtang, Lu Wansu, and Wang Shitu (2012). Social enterprise. Taipei: The giant stream.
Hu Zhesheng et al. (2013). Our little happiness and economics. Taipei: New Nature Theory.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation and Attendance
Group Report
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:邢 瑜
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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