"The welfare, happiness, and very lives of all
of us rest in significant measure upon the
performance of administrative mechanisms that surround and support us. From the central matters of food and shelter to the periphery of our intellectual activity, the quality of administration in modern society touches
our daily lives. Today your life may depend upon
the administration of purity controls in a
pharmaceutical house, tomorrow it may depend
upon the decisions of a state department of motor
vehicles, next week it may rest with the administrative
wisdom of an official in the Department of
State. Willy-nilly, administration is everyone's
concern. If we wish to survive, we had better be
intelligent about it.
--Dwight Waldo(1955,p.70)"The welfare, happiness, and very lives of all
of us rest in significant measure upon the
performance of administrative mechanisms that surround and support us. From the central matters of food and shelter to the periphery of our intellectual activity, the quality of administration in modern society touches
our daily lives. Today your life may depend upon
the administration of purity controls in a
pharmaceutical house, tomorrow it may depend
upon the decisions of a state department of motor
vehicles, next week it may rest with the administrative
wisdom of an official in the Department of
State. Willy-nilly, administration is everyone's
concern. If we wish to survive, we had better be
intelligent about it.
--Dwight Waldo(1955,p.70)
Gareth Jones 原著。劉韻僖、卓秀足,俞慧云、楊仁壽合譯 (2012) 。組織理論與管理(六版)。 台北:雙葉書廊。
張潤書 (2009) 。行政學(修訂四版) 。 台北: 三民書局。
Scott, W. Richard and Gerald F. Davis. 2007. Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open System Perspective. NJ: Pearson.
Original by Gareth Jones. Liu Yunxi, Zhuo Xiuzu, co-translated by Yu Huiyun and Yang Renshou (2012). Organization Theory and Management (6th ed.). Taipei: Shuangye Bookstore.
Zhang Runshu (2009). Public administration (revised fourth edition). Taipei: Sanmin Bookstore.
Scott, W. Richard and Gerald F. Davis. 2007. Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open System Perspective. NJ: Pearson.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 期末報告於期末考前三周繳交 |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
40 |