course information of 103 - 2 | 2037 E-Politic(網路政治學)

Taught In English2037 - 網路政治學 E-Politic

教育目標 Course Target

本課程希冀藉由網路政治學的授課,培養學生對資訊通訊科技時代所衍生的新型態政府與政治的認識與興趣,進而拓展學生在網路政治學的視野。This course hopes to cultivate students' understanding and interest in the new type of government and politics derived from the information technology era through the teaching of online politics, and thus expand students' vision in online politics.

課程概述 Course Description

The teaching of online politics cultivates students' understanding and interest in the new type of government and politics derived from the information technology era, and thus expands students' vision in online politics.

參考書目 Reference Books

Budge, Ian, The New Challenge of Direct Democracy, Cambridge/Oxford: Polity Press, 1996.
Morris, Dick, Vote.com, LA: Renaissance Books; 1999.
Webster, Frank, Theories of the Information Society, London/N.Y.: Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002.
Kamarck, Elaine Giulla, and Nye, Joseph S. Jr., eds., Governance.com: Democracy in the Information Age, Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press, 2002.

In addition to the discourse, this course also specifies the following books as reference books:
Edited by Zhang Long and Sun Yiqing, "Dialogues on Politics and Information", Yang Zhi, 2006.
Editor of the Executive Yuan Research and Development Assessment Committee, "Electronic Government", Executive Yuan Research and Development Assessment Committee, 2004.
Edited by Sun Yiqing and Guo Guanting, "Politics and Information Technology", Yang Zhi, 2002.
Budge, Ian, The New Challenge of Direct Democracy, Cambridge/Oxford: Polity Press, 1996.
Morris, Dick, Vote.com, LA: Renaissance Books; 1999.
Webster, Frank, Theories of the Information Society, London/N.Y.: Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002.
Kamarck, Elaine Giulla, and Nye, Joseph S. Jr., eds., Governance.com: Democracy in the Information Age, Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press, 2002.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
10 含出缺席與課堂表現
Midterm exam
Final exam
Video Report
Study period report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6[H208]
授課教師 Teacher:陳建仁
修課班級 Class:政治系1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 15 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 15 人。

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