course information of 103 - 2 | 2002 The Constitution and Government of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)(中華民國憲法與政府)

Taught In English2002 - 中華民國憲法與政府 The Constitution and Government of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)

教育目標 Course Target

「中華民國憲法與政府」是政治系重要的課程之一,本課程的目標在於介紹主要的憲政理論與重要的概念,首先說明憲法的性質與內容梗概,繼而依中華民國憲法的架構逐一探討憲法相關議題與涉及的憲法理論概念。期許同學在經過ㄧ學年的修習,奠定良好的基礎之後,能夠順利進階至政治學各相關的領域中。"The Law of the Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of China" is one of the important courses in the political department. The purpose of this course is to introduce the main political theory and important concepts. First, it explains the nature and content outline of the law, and then explores the relevant issues of law-related law and the concepts of law-related law-related law one by one based on the structure of the law-related law-related law-related law-related law-related law-related. I hope that after a year of study and laying a good foundation, my classmates can successfully advance to various relevant political fields.

參考書目 Reference Books

徐正戎、呂炳寬,2002,<總統與行政院院長之權力關係>,收錄於徐正戎, 《法國總統權限之研究》,台北:元照。
Anthony Lewis著,蘇希亞譯,1999,《不得立法侵犯:蘇利文案與言論自由》,初版。台北:商周。
David Butler, Austin Ranney編著,吳宜容譯,2002,《公民投票的實踐與理論》,初版。台北:韋伯文化。
羅伯特.道爾, Robert A. Dahl, 張國書譯,2009,《論政治平等》,台北:五南圖書出版有限公司。
董翔飛, 2005,《大法官解釋文與我的不同意見書》。台北:先鋒。
Lin Teng, 2014, "The Law of the Republic of China (Fifth Edition of Revised Edition)", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau. ISBN13: 9789571454962
Advanced reference:
Liu Bingbing, Cheng Hua, and Yang Zhijie, 2008, "The Exquisite of the Law of the Republic of China", second edition and third edition, Taipei: Wunan Book.
(Students who want to take the college entrance examination should recommend studying and reading at the same time)
Xu Zhengrong and Ru Bingbing, 2002, , included in Xu Zhengrong, "Study on the Rights of the General in France", Taipei: Yuanzhao.
Ji Bingbing, Xu Zhengrong, 2005, "Theory and Integration of Semi-General System", Taipei: Dingmao Published.
By Anthony Lewis, Su Chia, 1999, "No Legislation Infringement: Suli's Copywriting and Freedom of Speech", first edition. Taipei: Shang and Zhou dynasties.
By David Butler, Austin Ranney, Wu Yirong, 2002, "Preliminary and Theory of the Referendum", first edition. Taipei: Veber culture.
Robert. Dower, Robert A. Dahl, Zhang Guo’s book translation, 2009, “On Political Equality,” Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd.
Author of the Foundation for the Civil Judicial Reform, 2003, "The Supreme Justice, To Say the Law", first edition. Taipei: Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Qu Zhaoxiang, 2004, "Referendum Theory and the Reality of Taiwan", first edition. Taipei: Smart culture.
Chi Manling, 2007, "The Law of the Republic of China", first edition. Taipei: Hualien Book.
Zhang Shiqing, 1999, "The Law and Government of the Republic of China", first edition. Taipei: Wunan.
Chen Zhihua, 1995, "The Law of the Republic of China", first edition. Taipei: Three people.
Chen Yangde and Hui Zhiyan wrote "New Discussion on the Imperial Laws of the Republic of China", revised in the second edition. Taipei: Wunan.
Chen Xinmin, 2001, "About the Law of the Republic of China", revised four editions. Taipei: Three people.
Yang Zhicheng, 1998, "A Discussion on the Constitution and Democracy of the Republic of China", first edition. Taipei: Greater China.
Dong Xiangfei, 2005, "The Supreme Justice's Interpretation of the Disagreement of My Disagreement". Taipei: Pioneer.
Dong Xiangfei, 1994, "Chinese Laws and Laws", 25 editions added and revised, self-printed.
Xie Ruizhi, 1995, "The Law of the Republic of China", first edition. Taipei: National Editorial Museum, General Marketing of Huatai Culture.
Xie Ruizhi, 2000, "New Commentary on the Fa", first edition. Taipei: Zhongzheng.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
20 期中考
Final exam
30 期末考
Designated reading reports (Winter vacation operation)
20 指定閱讀報告(寒假作業)
Self-learning report for specified topics
10 指定主題自我學習報告
Class Participation
20 含出缺席與課堂反應

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必修-2081 Constitution and Government of Republic of China / 中華民國憲法與政府 (行政系1,授課教師:柯義龍,一/8[SS202] 二/1,2[SS207])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:黃信達
修課班級 Class:國關組1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 68 人。

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