course information of 103 - 2 | 1931 Urban and Regional Economics(都市與區域經濟學)

Taught In English1931 - 都市與區域經濟學 Urban and Regional Economics

教育目標 Course Target

本課程探討加入空間因素考量後之經濟活動在空間分佈上有何改變與影響,由家戶的效用最大化及廠商的利潤最大化來探討都市區位,乃至於其內部各種都市經濟活動在空間上的決策。本課程將引導學生思考發生在都市的一些現象。例如,都市為何會存在? 為何都市會有大小之分,而且大小規模差異至為懸殊?為何高樓大廈會集中在市中心區?又為何都市範圍內幾乎看不見農業使用?本課程之授課內容分為基本理論與都市實務問題分析兩個部份,本課程理論與實務並重,先介紹基本理論,再探討都市常見之實務問題,主要目的在引發學生運用經濟理論進行都市實務問題之分析。This course explores the changes and impacts of economic activities in space distribution after the addition factor is considered. From the maximization of household utility and the maximization of manufacturers' profits, it explores the decisions of urban areas and even various urban economic activities in the space. This course will guide students to think about some phenomena that occur in cities. For example, why do cities exist? Why do cities have sizes and sizes that are so different? Why are high-rise buildings concentrated in the city center? And why are agricultural use almost inaccurate in urban areas? The teaching content of this course is divided into two parts: basic theory and urban practical problem analysis. The theory and practice of this course are both important. First, introduce the basic theory, and then explore the practical problems common in urban areas. The main purpose is to induce students to use economic theory to analyze urban practical problems.

課程概述 Course Description

都市經濟學主要是以“個體經濟學”之理論基礎探討都市土地使用、都市結構、都市規模及都市系統層級等都市經濟議題。本課程探討加入空間因素考量後之經濟活動在空間分佈上有何改變與影響,由家戶的效用最大化及廠商的利潤最大化來探討都市區位,乃至於其內部各種都市經濟活動在空間上的決策。本課程將引導學生思考發生在都市的一些現象。例如,都市為何會存在? 為何都市會有大小之分,而且大小規模差異至為懸殊?為何高樓大廈會集中在市中心區?又為何都市範圍內幾乎看不見農業使用?本課程之授課內容分為基本理論與都市實務問題分析兩個部份,本課程理論與實務並重,先介紹基本理論,再探討都市常見之實務問題,主要目的在引發學生運用經濟理論進行都市實務問題之分析。
Urban economics mainly explores urban economic issues such as urban land use, urban structure, urban scale and urban system level based on the theoretical basis of "personal economy". This course explores the changes and impacts of economic activities in space distribution after the addition factor is considered. From the maximization of household utility and the maximization of manufacturers' profits, it explores the decisions of urban areas and even various urban economic activities in the space. This course will guide students to think about some phenomena that occur in cities. For example, why do cities exist? Why do cities have sizes and sizes that are so different? Why are high-rise buildings concentrated in the city center? And why are agricultural use almost inaccurate in urban areas? The teaching content of this course is divided into two parts: basic theory and urban practical problem analysis. The theory and practice of this course are both important. First, introduce the basic theory, and then explore the practical problems common in urban areas. The main purpose is to induce students to use economic theory to analyze urban practical problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.O’sullivan, A.,Urban Economics, 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011.(華泰文化代理) (ISBN:9780071086684)
Reference books:
1.O’sullivan, A., Urban Economics, 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011. (Huathai Cultural Agency) (ISBN: 9780071086684)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
20 包含課堂參與及討論等成績。
Midterm exam
20 考試範圍: Ch1~Ch5。
Final exam
30 考試範圍: Ch6、Ch10~Ch11、Ch13~Ch14。
Final oral report
30 分組報告

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1[SS205] Monday/5,6[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:林佳慧
修課班級 Class:經濟系3,4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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