本課程是個體經濟學的入門,以循序漸進的介紹方式,將繁雜的理論與運算過程,以簡明的分析架構呈現,並輔以應用實例,讓學生在學習抽象的概念之餘,能適度的觀察與理解現實情境中常見的社會現象與商業行為。This course is an introduction to individual economics. It uses a step-by-step introduction method to present complicated theories and calculation processes in a concise analytical framework, supplemented by application examples, so that students can observe appropriately while learning abstract concepts. and understand common social phenomena and business behaviors in real-life situations.
個體經濟學:理論與應用 二版 (Theory and Application of Intermediate Microeconomics 11e
Theory and Application of Intermediate Microeconomics 11e
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中與期末各 50%期中與期末各 50% 50% each midterm and final |
100 |