course information of 103 - 2 | 1764 Survival Analysis(存活分析)

Taught In English1764 - 存活分析 Survival Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

介紹各種型態之存活資料及其一般統計分析與應用。著重於臨床試驗或醫藥試驗之存活資料統計量之估計和檢定,其中包括Kaplan-Meier估計值, log-rank檢定, Cox等比例之危險模式、以及加速失敗模式等之統計分析及其應用之相關實務。Introduce survival data of various types and their general statistical analysis and applications. Focus on the estimation and determination of the survival data statistic of clinical trials or medical trials, including the statistical analysis of Kaplan-Meier estimation, log-rank estimation, Cox proportional hazard mode, and accelerated failure mode and its application related activities.

課程概述 Course Description

課程基本描述: 存活分析是在研究樣本所觀察到的某一段存活時間或事件時間之分配,由於研究時間有限、病人失去追蹤或離開試驗等因素,使得病人的存活時間無法完全觀察到,收集到的時間稱為設限時間。針對這種不完整資料,利用母數方法及無母數方法估計病人的存活情形及風險。當資料伴隨其他共變數時,利用半參數方法進行分析,探討共變數對病人存活時間的影響。 課程在系所定位: 存活分析在大學部及碩士班皆開課,其中大學部是以實務走向,碩士班則以理論結合實務取向。 課程所教授的專業能力: 存活資料的解讀和分析、存活時間分配與相關統計量的推導、教導如何用SAS與R撰寫程式分析資料、對分析結果如何判讀和解釋。 授課內容: 1. Examples of Survival Data 2. Basic Quantities and Models 3. Censoring and Truncation 4. Nonparametric Estimation of Basic Quantities for Right-Censored and Left-Truncated Data 5. Topics in Univariate Estimation 6. Hypothesis Testing 7. Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Regression with Fixed Covariates 8. Refinements of the Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model 9. Regression Diagnostics 10. Inference for Parametric Regression Models 教學目標:介紹各種型態之存活資料及其統計分析與應用。著重於臨床試驗或醫藥試驗之存活資料統計量之估計和檢定,其中包括Kaplan-Meier估計值、 log-rank檢定,、Cox比例風險模式、以及加速失敗模式等之統計分析及其應用之相關實務。 培養之能力: 大學部: 存活資料分析與收集之能力、簡單的計算和推導、結果的呈現和解釋。 碩士班: 存活資料分析與收集之能力、理論的推導和計算、程式的撰寫,結果的呈現和解釋。
Basic course description: Survival analysis is the allocation of a certain period of survival time or event time observed in the study sample. Due to factors such as limited research time, loss of follow-up or departure of trial, the patient's survival time cannot be fully observed. The collected time is called the time limit. For this incomplete data, the maternal method and the maternal method are used to estimate the patient's survival and risk. When data are accompanied by other covariates, the semi-parameter method is used for analysis to explore the impact of covariates on the patient's survival time. Course positioned in the department: Survival analysis is conducted in both the university department and the judiciary class. The university department is based on practical trends, while the judiciary class combines practical orientations with theoretical arguments. Professional abilities taught in the course: The interpretation and analysis of survival data, the promotion of survival time allocation and related statistical measurements, teaching how to use SAS and R writing programs to analyze data, and how to judge and interpret analysis results. Course content: 1. Examples of Survival Data 2. Basic Quantities and Models 3. Censoring and Truncation 4. Nonparametric Estimation of Basic Quantities for Right-Censored and Left-Truncated Data 5. Topics in Univariate Estimation 6. Hypothesis Testing 7. Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Regression with Fixed Covariates 8. Refinements of the Semiparametric Proportional Hazards Model 9. Regression Diagnostics 10. Inference for Parametric Regression Models Teaching objectives: Introduce survival data of various types and their statistical analysis and applications. Focus on the estimation and determination of the survival data statistic of clinical trials or medical trials, including the statistical analysis of Kaplan-Meier estimates, log-rank confirmations, Cox proportional risk mode, and accelerated failure mode and their application related activities. Cultivation ability: Department of University: Survival data analysis and collection ability, simple calculation and promotion, and presentation and interpretation of results. Judicial class: Survival data analysis and collection ability, theory guidance and calculation, program writing, presentation and interpretation of results.

參考書目 Reference Books

Survival Analysis : A Self-Learning Text (electronic resource) 2012, Springer, by David G. Kleinbaum and
Mitchel Klein
Survival analysis : A self-learning text (electronic resource) 2012, springer, by David G. Klein Baum and Mitch El Klein

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final division report
Attendance and performance during peacetime

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5[M025] Monday/3,4[M116]
授課教師 Teacher:張玉媚
修課班級 Class:統計系2-4
選課備註 Memo:A 群組;電腦教室:M025
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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