1. 學習多變數函數微分的觀念與應用,並且熟練其計算方式。
2. 學習多變數函數積分的觀念與應用,並且熟練其計算方式。
3. 學習函數的幂級數表現,並且熟練其計算方式。1. Learn the concepts and applications of multivariable function differentiation, and become proficient in its calculation methods.
2. Learn the concepts and applications of multivariable function integrals, and become proficient in their calculation methods.
3. Learn the power series representation of functions and become proficient in its calculation methods.
微積分是討論 ”極限(Limit)” 這一觀念的數學。有兩種特定的極限定義,分別稱作微分(Differentiation)和積分(Integration)。本課程之內容即為極限、微分、和積分之觀念及應用。
Calculus is mathematics that discusses the concept of "limit". There are two specific definitions of limits, called differentiation and integration. The content of this course is the concepts and applications of limits, differentials, and integrals.
Calculus Late Transcendentals Combined, 9e, Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis, Wiely.
calculus late transcendentals combined, 9oh, Howard Anton, IR LC. BI VE NS, Stephen Davis, w IE.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
指定作業指定作業 Specify job |
30 | 透過Wiley Plus線上學習系統公告並且線上作答,作答完成後系統立即顯示解答並且計分 |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
20 | |
第一次小考第一次小考 First quiz |
20 | |
第二次小考第二次小考 Second quiz |
20 |