course information of 103 - 2 | 1681 Finance News Guide(財經新聞導讀)

Taught In English1681 - 財經新聞導讀 Finance News Guide

教育目標 Course Target

一、以新聞實例導讀協助同學獲知當期最新國際財經最新訊息與發展 二、協助同學認知財經基本觀念及常用專有名詞與從中解析歷史、政治與金融事件發展 三、協助同學從中獲得政經問題思考與邏輯推演的能力1. Use news examples to guide and read to help students gain knowledge about the latest international financial information and development during the period 2. Help students to understand the basic concepts of knowledge and finance and commonly used pronouns and analyze the development of historical, political and financial events from them. 3. Help students gain the ability to think about political issues and deduce logic

課程概述 Course Description

This course will help students quickly grasp the latest news of current affairs, learn important news and judge investment trends, and instigate the latest financial situation or market news of market fluctuations, so that students can interact with investment commodities and understand the real factors of market fluctuations, so that they can further apply them to investment strategy analysis.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1)財經解密:如何解讀財經資訊 /梁亦鴻 /宏典文化出版 /2011/11/1
(2)圖解第一次看懂經濟指標就上手 /李明黎 /易博士出版社/ 2011/12/04
(3)投資國際的第一本金融市場圖解書:彭博財經新聞「每日圖表」主筆帶你看懂市場數據與通用指標 Visual Guide to Financial Markets /David Wilson /譯者:陳儀/ 2014/10/30
(4)看懂財經新聞的第一本書 /陳思進 /浙江人民出版社 /2014/2/1(簡)
Class lecture: self-edited every week
(1) Financial decryption: How to interpret financial information / Liang Yihong / Hongdian Culture Publishing /2011/11/1
(2) Get started with the illustration when you understand the economic indicators for the first time /Li Mingli / Dr. Yi Publishing House / 2011/12/04
(3) Investing in the world's first financial market diagram solution: Bloomberg Financial News "Daily Chart" main book will let you understand market data and general indicators Visual Guide to Financial Markets /David Wilson / Translator: Chen / 2014/10/30
(4) The first book to understand financial news / Chen Sijin / Zhejiang People's Publishing House /2014/2/1 (simple)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
midterm exam
Final ExamFinal Exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[M155]
授課教師 Teacher:王凱立
修課班級 Class:財金系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 114 人。

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