本課程「審計實務與職場實習」為協助本校學生提早熟悉及掌握職場生態,並提升其就業的競爭力,本系與台灣的國際型會計師事務所及國際型企業合作,推動「會計專業職場實習制度」,甄選本校大學部四年級學生至事務所或國際型企業實習,可兼顧教學品質與職場需求。This course "Audit Practice and Workplace Internship" is to help our students familiarize themselves with and master the workplace ecosystem in advance and enhance their employment competitiveness. Our department cooperates with Taiwan's international accounting firms and international enterprises to promote "Accounting Professional Workplace Internship" System", which selects fourth-year undergraduate students of our school to intern in firms or international companies, which can take into account teaching quality and workplace needs.
This course allows students to directly intern in international accounting firms or companies and hire partner accountants to serve as part-time teachers for guidance. Students who participate in this course can receive a scholarship of at least NT$20,000 per month and will be given priority for recruitment.
Mainly based on internship
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實習表現實習表現 Internship performance |
50 | |
工作日誌工作日誌 Work log |
30 | |
心得報告心得報告 Experience report |
20 |