透過課堂討論與練習, 讓同學對如何成為優勢的行銷人員有深刻的體驗和認識;並透過對<大數據>, <物聯網> 和<人工智慧>的概念討論,讓同學對未來5-10年全世界在經濟上的發展趨勢有所認識並事先儲備自己的能力規劃自己的未來.Through class discussion and practice, students can have a deep experience and understanding of how to become an advantageous marketing member; and through discussions on the concepts of ,
優勢銷售: 奧利佛.克朗 & 麥可.克朗著 卡內基叢書
顧客經驗管理:伯恩史密特著 中國生產力中心出版
不賣東西賣體驗: 藤村政鴻著 天下雜誌出版
物聯網革命: 傑瑞米. 里夫金著 商周出版
大數據: 麥爾旬伯格著 天下雜誌出版
人工智慧: 機器人與機器革新 大衛傑佛瑞 稻田出版
ZARA 沒有名片的總裁: 科瓦東高.澳沙著商業週刊出版
迪士尼的感動魔法: 福島文二郎著 天下出版
Advantage Sales: Oliver Kron & McKron by Carnegie's Book
Customer Experience Management: By Bourne Smit Published by China Productivity Center
Experience of selling things without selling: by Masato Fujimura, published by the World Magazine
Internet Revolution: Written by Jaremi Rifkin Published by Shang and Zhou Published
Large data: by McElxberger, published by the World Magazine
Artificial Intelligence: Robots and Machinery Innovation David Furry Rice Field Publishing
ZARA President Without a Business Card: Kova Tungao Aosa Business Weekly Published
Disney's Inspirational Magic: Written by Fukushima Jiro Published by Tianxia
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
50 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
50 |