course information of 103 - 2 | 1082 Environmental Policy and Law(環境政策與法規)

Taught In English1082 - 環境政策與法規 Environmental Policy and Law

教育目標 Course Target

環境資源係一公有財,一般委由政府管理。環境問題之解決須藉由公權力之介入,因此法律規範恆為不可或缺之ㄧ環。環工(管)系學生未來在職場工作,不管在環保機關、事業單位或工程顧問機構均須具有環境保護法規之基本認識與了解。本課程可提供學生在環境保護法規之專業知識,將有助於在職場工作之發揮與成長。 法規係抽象或概括的文字,具體表現政府政策,並為社會生活之規範。環境保護立法係將環境保護的目標、責任與方法及費用的歸屬作一詳盡的規劃,並予以成文化,使其具有法的拘束力。因此要瞭解環境保護法規的涵義、精神及為何要作此規定,須對環境保護工作有所認識與瞭解,尤其是各項污染防治(制)之策略與措施更是重要。 本課程由實務與案例探討環境保護法規,期能訓練學生學習研讀環保法規之方法與技巧,與完整瞭解現有環保法規之立法精神與執行方法,有助於未來從事環境保護工作,並對準備各項考試有方向可循。Environmental resources are publicly owned and generally managed by the government. The solution to environmental problems must be through the intervention of public power, so the legal regulations are indispensable. Students in the Department of Environmental Engineering (Management) will have basic understanding and understanding of environmental protection regulations, whether in environmental protection agencies, business units or engineering consultants. This course provides students with professional knowledge of environmental protection regulations and will help develop and grow in their workplaces. The laws are abstract or generalized texts that specifically express government policies and are the norms of social life. Environmental protection legislation provides detailed planning of the objectives, responsibilities, methods and costs of environmental protection, and cultures to make it legally binding. Therefore, to understand the connotation, spirit and why this regulation is required, we must have some understanding and understanding of environmental protection work, especially the strategies and measures for various pollution prevention and control (systems). This course explores environmental protection regulations through practice and case studies, and can train students to study methods and techniques for studying environmental protection regulations, and fully understand the legislative spirit and implementation methods of existing environmental protection regulations. This will help you engage in environmental protection work in the future and have directions for preparing for various exams.

課程概述 Course Description

The laws are abstract or generalized texts that specifically express government policies and are the norms of social life. Environmental protection legislation provides detailed planning of the objectives, responsibilities, methods and costs of environmental protection, and cultures to make it legally binding. Therefore, to understand the connotation, spirit and why this regulation is required, we must have some understanding and understanding of environmental protection work, especially the strategies and measures for various pollution prevention and control (systems). This course explores environmental issues from theory and practice, and implements environmental protection through legislative procedures, so as to train students to learn environmental protection by %A

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Li Zemin, Environmental Protection Law, Guozhang Publishing House, 2009. (Textbook)
2. Chen Junqin, Wang Zhongyi, Environmental Law, Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 2007.
3. Lin Jiansan, Environmental Protection Regulations, Gaoli Books Co., Ltd., 2012.
4. Chen Ciyang, General discussion on environmental law, Yuanzhao Publishing Company, 2011.
5. Environmental white papers, national environmental protection plans, annual planning reports, and related commission planning research reports printed by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Regular achievements
40 含平時考、討論及到課情形

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[C104]
授課教師 Teacher:李澤民
修課班級 Class:環工系3-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 52 人。

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