使學生瞭解化學是一門有系統研究無機物質的形成,組成與性質以及轉變為其它物質之過程的學科。藉由實驗操作讓學生體會使用化學的方法,並印證化學課堂上所學的原理。實地操作反應的進行可觀察與了解物質的性質與特性,並進一步與我們的日常生活做一緊密的科學連結。Let students understand that chemistry is a subject that systematically studies the formation, composition and properties of inorganic substances and the process of transformation into other substances. Through experimental operations, students can experience the methods of using chemistry and confirm the principles learned in chemistry class. By carrying out practical reactions, we can observe and understand the properties and characteristics of substances, and further make a close scientific connection with our daily lives.
Let students understand the preparation and synthesis of inorganic materials and explore their characteristics.
無機材料化學實驗 東海大學化學系編輯,2009。
Chemistry Experiments on Inorganic Materials Editor, Department of Chemistry, Tunghai University, 2009.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實驗報告實驗報告 Experiment report |
35 | 按助教規定 |
實驗操作實驗操作 Experimental operation |
15 | |
實驗態度實驗態度 experimental attitude |
20 | |
筆試筆試 Written test |
15 | |
分組報告分組報告 Group report |
15 |