本課程與 化學數學 共同的目的是要建立除了 微積分 以外,化學組修習學士學位所必要的數學基礎。The common purpose of this course and Chemistry Mathematics is to establish the mathematical foundation necessary for a bachelor's degree in chemistry, in addition to calculus.
Introduces basic linear algebra and group theory and their applications to molecular symmetry, molecular orbitals, and molecular vibrational modes.
教科書: E. Steiner, The Chemistry Maths Book 2/e 2008
參考書:(1) A.Vincent, Molecular Symmetry and Group theory 1977
(2) F.A.Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory 3/e 1990 (2/e 1971)
(3) C.L.Perrin, Mathematics for Chemists 1970 [Chapters 10]
(4) J.B.Dence, Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry 1975 [Chapters 1, 6]
(5) M.E.Starzak, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry and Physics 1989 [Chapters 1, 3]
Textbook: E. Steiner, The Chemistry Maths Book 2/e 2008
Reference books: (1) A.Vincent, Molecular Symmetry and Group theory 1977
(2) F.A.Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory 3/e 1990 (2/e 1971)
(3) C.L.Perrin, Mathematics for Chemists 1970 [Chapters 10]
(4) J.B.Dence, Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry 1975 [Chapters 1, 6]
(5) M.E.Starzak, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry and Physics 1989 [Chapters 1, 3]
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
10 | 出席及上課狀況 |
隨堂小考隨堂小考 Quiz in class |
30 | |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
30 |