協助高年級學生(含碩士生)培養求職之即戰能力,增加學生對於產業之了解,建立學生之職涯知識,並透過情境模擬與分組演練,達到學生順利銜接職場之目標。Assist senior students (including master's students) to develop immediate job-hunting skills, increase students' understanding of the industry, build students' career knowledge, and achieve the goal of students successfully transitioning into the workplace through situation simulations and group exercises.
Self-compiled handouts and newspaper clippings
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | |
職涯規劃書職涯規劃書 career planning book |
20 | |
履歷自傳完成履歷自傳完成 Resume and autobiography completed |
20 | |
面試模擬小組面試模擬小組 Interview simulation group |
20 | |
企業參訪心得企業參訪心得 Enterprise visit experience |
10 | |
專題演講心得專題演講心得 Keynote speech experience |
10 |