本課程的目標在於透過「主題引導」與「經典導讀」的進路與學生共同研讀《六祖壇經》。首先,透過預先設定的主題,從《六祖壇經》中找尋可能或適切的解決方案,並反思其與吾人現實生命所產生的聯繫,期能將其義理與生命實踐接軌。再者,引導學生提綱挈領地閱讀《六祖壇經》的章節,培養學生從經典中把握、分析問題的能力。因此,學生們在閱讀的動態歷程中,將會面對不同的主題,教師將以「仔細」、「詳盡」、「深入淺出」與「共讀共學」的原則來引導大家共同學習,進而使得學生從閱讀中發現經典的智慧,期許學生們皆能從中反思生命的價值與意義的問題,並從閱讀經典的中獲得自我肯定的成就感。The goal of this course is to study the "Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra" with students through the approaches of "topic guidance" and "classic introduction". First of all, through pre-set themes, we look for possible or appropriate solutions from the "Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra" and reflect on its connection with our real life, hoping to integrate its principles with life practice. Furthermore, students are guided to read chapters of the "Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra" in an schematic and detailed manner, cultivating students' ability to grasp and analyze issues from the classics. Therefore, students will face different topics in the dynamic process of reading. Teachers will guide everyone to learn together based on the principles of "careful", "detailed", "explaining the profound things in a simple way" and "reading and learning together", so that Students discover the wisdom of classics through reading. We hope that students can reflect on the value and meaning of life and gain a sense of self-affirmation from reading classics.
1. 元•宗寶編,《六祖大師法寶壇經》;《大正藏》冊48。
2. 唐•法海集記,《南宗頓教最上大乘摩訶般若波羅蜜經六祖惠能大師於韶州大梵寺施法壇經》;《大正藏》冊48。
3. 李中華注譯,丁敏校閱,《新譯六祖壇經 》, 臺北:三民,1997年。
4. 釋印順,《精校燉煌本壇經》,收錄於釋印順,《華雨集(一)》,新竹:正聞出版社,1993年。
1. "The Dharma Treasure Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch" compiled by Yuan Zongbao; "Taisho Tibetan" volume 48.
2. Collection of Fahai of the Tang Dynasty, "Master Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Supreme Mahayana Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra of Nanzong Dun Sect, Consecrated the Dharma Altar at Dafan Temple in Shaozhou"; "Taisho Tibetan" Volume 48.
3. Annotated and translated by Li Zhonghua, proofread by Ding Min, "New Translation of the Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra", Taipei: Sanmin, 1997.
4. Shi Yinshun, "The Jinghuang Bentan Sutra", collected in Shi Yinshun, "Huayu Collection (1)", Hsinchu: Zhengwen Publishing House, 1993.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常成績平常成績 normal grades |
20 | 包含出席率(10%)、平時作業與課堂討論(10%) |
期末小組報告期末小組報告 Final group report |
20 | |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 |