言語と社會の關系の検討を通して「正しい言語習得」という考え方についても検討する.この教は, One-semester sociolinguistic analysis (1) との高い教となる.
The relationship between speech and society, the position and position of speech in society, the position and status of speech, the relationship between speech and society, and the relationship between speech and society. "Common sense" When たり前》について, Taiwan・Japan・アジアなど様々なregional を Example にとりながら卡え(straight し)たい. Self-divided pudanshi っていることば, 様々な Others' holding つことばへの思い, 気氡ち, attitude などについて, a variety of multi-material data を make っ た analysis を test み る.
Documents and data are refined and analyzed, and personal experience reports and "people from different positions" and communication are planned.
「自分のこと」 「「あなた(人到的人)」のこと」「OTHER( )」のこと」「世界のこと」をAnalyze, study, and examine the attitude of the person, the goal of the big goal, and the attitude of the person.
The relationship between speech and society is the same as the relationship between speech and society.
In-depth study of Taiwanese and Japanese sociolinguistic analysis (1), and further study of various phenomena that occur when language is actually used and the relationship between language and society. and critically explore the functions of language in society.
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佛雷勒,保羅(Paulo Freire)『受壓迫者教育學』巨流出版
陳歆怡(2009)「驛鄉書寫: 移工移民報紙大放光采」『台湾光華雑誌』 第34巻第3号 p. 106-118
夏曉鵑(2002)『流離尋岸 資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象』唐山出版社
蕭新煌(2004)『臺灣與東南亞: 南向政策與越南新娘』中央研究院亜太區域研究専題中心
Compiled by OECD (2007) "Immigration's Academic Ability - Social Background and Learning Influence" Akashi Shoten
Edited by Chizuru Kawamura, Atsushi Kondo, and Hiroyuki Nakamoto (2009) "Immigration Policy Policy" Akashi Shoten
Kenjiro Shibuya, edited by Isamu Kojima (2007) "The Theory and Practice of Words" Sanyuansha
Tanaka Katsuhiko (1981) "ことばと国" Iwanami Shoten
Tanaka Katsuhiko (2004) "ことばとは何か" Chikumo Shobo
Tan Lumei, Liu Jie (2008) "New Overseas Chinese, Old Overseas Chinese—変动する日本の中文字幕" Literary Spring and Autumn
Tomoko Nakajima (2004) "A trial discussion on the position of the public education school for foreigners - the private school for ethnic minorities ―""Hour Gakuin University Research Minutes" No. 44, pp.117-131
Yamamoto Mayumi, Kimura Goro Koretsu, Usui Hiroyuki (2004) "Speech in the Modern Times" Akashi Shoten
Each volume of "Monthly Words"
Qiu Lianwen (2005) "Gender and Mobility - Asian Brides in Japan and Taiwan" Juliu Books
Freire, Paul (Paulo Freire) "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" Juliu Publishing
Shi Zhengfeng (2002) "Language Rights Code" Executive Yuan Hakka Committee
Hong Weiren (1992) "Taiwan Language Crisis" Avant-garde Press
Hong Weiren (1994) "Taiwan's Language War and Strategic Analysis" The First Taiwanese Indigenous Culture Academic Symposium
Huang Xuanfan (2004) "Language Society and Ethnic Consciousness"
Chen Meiru (1998) "Review and Prospects of Taiwan's Language Education Policy" Kaohsiung Fuwen Book Publishing House
Chen Xinyi (2009) "Yixiang Writing: Migrant Workers and Immigration Newspapers Shine" "Taiwan Guanghua Yizhi" Volume 34 No. 3 p. 106-118
Xia Xiaojuan (2002) "Displacement in search of shore: the phenomenon of "foreign brides" under the internationalization of capital" Tangshan Publishing House
Xia Xiaojuan (2005) "Don't call me a foreign bride" Left Bank Publishing House
Xia Xiaojuan, Chen Xinxing, Huang Debei (2008) "Immigration and Migrant Workers under Globalization (Volume 1)" Taiwan Social Research Series 13, Tangshan Publishing House
Xia Xiaojuan, Chen Xinxing, Huang Debei (2008) "Immigration and Migrant Workers under Globalization (Volume 2)" Taiwan Social Research Series 13, Tangshan Publishing House
Compiled by Tan Guangding, Liu Meihui and You Meihui (2008) "Multicultural Education" Higher Education Culture Publishing
Liu Arong (2006) "Multiculture and Ethnic Relations"
Lan Peijia (2008) "Transnational Cinderella: When a domestic servant meets Taiwan's new wealthy family in Southeast Asia" Pingren Publishing House
Gu Yuling (2008) "We: Life Chronicles of Movement and Labor" Yinqing Publishing House
Xiao Xinhuang (2004) "Taiwan and Southeast Asia: Southbound Policy and Vietnamese Bride" Special Topic Center for Regional Studies, Academia Sinica
"Taiwan Social Research Quarterly" various volumes
The details of the first chapter's teachings and introductions
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
30 | 遅刻・欠席は厳しく減点します |
授業参加授業参加 Participate in teaching |
20 | 授業中の態度重視.討論・質問などさまざまな取り組みを評価します |
発表発表 watch |
10 | 担当論文のまとめ,ディスカッション,意見表明など |
報告書・宿題・試験報告書・宿題・試験 Reports, Questions, Examinations |
40 | 報告・宿題・試験など |