course information of 103 - 2 | 0252 Ming Dynasty Cultural History(明代社會文化史)

Taught In English0252 - 明代社會文化史 Ming Dynasty Cultural History

教育目標 Course Target

雖然提到明史,不免讓人聯想到幾位皇帝的消極作為、宦官干政、黨爭與晚期政局紛擾等負面內容。然而,若從各種文獻資料來看,明代社會其實具有商業蓬勃、物質豐富且思想活潑等特色。因此,本課程將利用文集筆記、通俗小說、日用類書等貼近民眾生活的史料文獻,引導學生瞭解明代作為物質文明高度發展時期的特色所在。Although mentioning the history of the Ming Dynasty, people cannot help but think of negative contents such as the negative actions of several emperors, eunuchs interfering in politics, party disputes, and late political turmoil. However, judging from various documentary materials, the society of the Ming Dynasty was actually characterized by prosperous commerce, abundant materials, and lively thinking. Therefore, this course will use historical documents close to people's lives, such as anthology notes, popular novels, and daily books, to guide students to understand the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty as a period of highly developed material civilization.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 卜正民(Timothy Brook)著,方駿等譯,《縱樂的困惑:明代的商業與文化》,北京:生活、讀書、新知三聯書局,2004年。
2. 卜正民(Timothy Brook)著,陳時龍譯,《明代的社會與國家》,合肥:黃山書社,2009年。
3. 大木康著,辛如意譯,《風月秦淮:中國遊里空間》,臺北:聯經,2007年。
4. 方志遠,《明代國家權力結構及運行機制》,北京:科學出版社,2008年。
5. 牛建強,《明代中後期社會變遷研究》,臺北:文今出版社,1997年。
6. 王汎森,《權力的毛細管作用:清代的思想、學術與心態》,臺北:聯經,2013年。
7. 包筠雅(Cynthia J. Brokaw)著,杜正貞、張林譯,趙世瑜校,《功過格――明清社會的道德秩序》,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1999年。
8. 白馥蘭(Francesca Bray)著,江湄、鄧京力譯,《技術與性別:晚期帝制中國的權力經緯》,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2006年。
9. 衣若蘭,《三姑六婆――明代婦女與社會的探索》,臺北:稻鄉,2002年。
10. 衣若蘭,《史學與性別:《明史•列女傳》與明代女性史之建構》,太原:山西教育出版社,2011年。
11. 何淑宜,《香火:江南士人與元明時期祭祖傳統的建構》,臺北:稻鄉,2009年。
12. 余英時,《中國近世宗教倫理與商人精神》,臺北:聯經,1987年。
13. 吳蕙芳,《萬寶全書:明清時期的民間生活實錄》,臺北:國立政治大學歷史系,2001年。
14. 巫仁恕,《品味奢華:晚明的消費社會與士大夫》,臺北:聯經,2007年。
15. 巫仁恕,《奢侈的女人:明清時期江南婦女的消費文化》,臺北:三民,2005年。
16. 李伯重,《多視角看江南經濟史(1250-1850)》,北京:生活.讀書.新知三聯書,2003年。
17. 李伯重,《發展與制約――明清江南生產力研究》,臺北:聯經,2002年。
18. 車錫倫,《信仰•教化•娛樂――中國寶卷研究及其他》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2002年。
19. 邱澎生,《當法律遇上經濟:明清中國的商業法律》,臺北:五南,2008年。
20. 邱澎生、陳熙遠主編,《明清法律運作中的權力與文化》,臺北:聯經,2009年。
21. 柯律格(Craig Clunas)著,黃曉鵑譯,《明代的圖像與視覺性》,北京:北京大學出版社,2011年。
22. 范金民,《明清商事糾紛與商業訴訟》,南京:南京大學出版社,2007年。
23. 涂豐恩,《救命:明清中國的醫生與病人》,臺北:三民,2012年。
24. 酒井忠夫著,劉岳兵、何英鶯譯,《中國善書研究(增補版)》,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2010年。
25. 高彥頤(Dorothy Ko)著,李志生譯,《閨塾師――明末清初江南的才女文化》,南京:江蘇人民出版社,2005年。
26. 張藝曦,《陽明學的鄉里實踐――以明中晚期江西吉水、安福兩縣為例》,北京:北京師範大學出版社,2013年。
27. 梁其姿,《施善與教化――明清的慈善組織》,石家莊:河北教育出版社,2001年。
28. 陳玉女,《明代佛門內外僧俗交涉的場域》,臺北:稻鄉,2010年。
29. 陳玉女,《明代的佛教與社會》,北京:北京大學出版社,2011年。
30. 陳秀芬,《養生與修身:晚明文人的身體書寫與攝生技術》,臺北:稻鄉出版社,2009年。
31. 陳霞,《道教勸善書的研究》,成都:巴蜀書社,1999年。
32. 陳寶良,《明代社會生活史》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2004年。
33. 游子安,《善化金箴:清代善書研究》,天津:天津人民出版社,1999年。
34. 游子安,《善與人同――明清以來的慈善與教化》,北京:中華書局,2005年。
35. 費絲言,《由典範到規範:從明代貞節烈女的辨識與流傳看貞節觀念的嚴格化》,臺北:臺灣大學出版委員會,1998年。
36. 馮爾康等著,《中國宗族社會》,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1994年。
37. 熊秉真,《幼幼:傳統中國的襁褓之道》,臺北:聯經,1995年。
38. 熊秉真,《安恙:近世中國兒童的疾病與健康》臺北:聯經,1999年。
39. 劉永華編,《中國社會文化史讀本》,北京:北京大學出版社,2011年。
40. 樊樹志,《明代文人的命運》,北京:中華書局,2013年。
41. 鄭振滿,《明清福建家族組織與社會變遷》,北京:中國人民大學,2009年。
1. Written by Timothy Brook, translated by Fang Jun and others, "The Confusion of Indulgence: Commerce and Culture in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: Life, Reading, New Knowledge Sanlian Book Company, 2004.
2. Written by Timothy Brook, translated by Chen Shilong, "Society and State in the Ming Dynasty", Hefei: Huangshan Publishing House, 2009.
3. Written by Yasushi Omu, translated by Xin Ru, "Feng Yue Qinhuai: China's Traveling Space", Taipei: Lianjing, 2007.
4. Fang Zhiyuan, "State Power Structure and Operational Mechanism in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: Science Press, 2008.
5. Niu Jianqiang, "Research on Social Changes in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty", Taipei: Wenjin Publishing House, 1997.
6. Wang Fansen, "Capillary Action of Power: Thought, Scholarship and Mentality in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: Lianjing, 2013.
7. Cynthia J. Brokaw, translated by Du Zhengzhen and Zhang Lin, edited by Zhao Shiyu, "Gongs and Demerits - The Moral Order of Ming and Qing Society", Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 1999.
8. "Technology and Gender: The Latitude and Longitude of Power in Late Imperial China" by Francesca Bray, translated by Jiang Mei and Deng Jingli, Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2006.
9. Yi Ruolan, "Three Aunts and Six Possessions - An Exploration of Women and Society in the Ming Dynasty", Taipei: Daoxiang, 2002.
10. Yi Ruolan, "History and Gender: "History of the Ming Dynasty: Biographies of Women" and the Construction of Women's History in the Ming Dynasty", Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 2011.
11. He Shuyi, "Incense: Jiangnan Scholars and the Construction of the Ancestor Worship Tradition in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties", Taipei: Daoxiang, 2009.
12. Yu Yingshi, "Religious Ethics and Business Spirit in Modern China", Taipei: Lianjing, 1987.
13. Wu Huifang, "Wanbaoquanshu: Records of Folk Life in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Taipei: Department of History, National Chengchi University, 2001.
14. Wu Renshu, "Taste of Luxury: Consumer Society and Scholar-officials in the Late Ming Dynasty", Taipei: Lianjing, 2007.
15. Wu Renshu, "Luxurious Women: The Consumer Culture of Jiangnan Women in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Taipei: Sanmin, 2005.
16. Li Bozhong, "Looking at Jiangnan Economic History from Multiple Perspectives (1250-1850)", Beijing: Life. Reading. New Knowledge Sanlianshu, 2003.
17. Li Bozhong, "Development and Restrictions - Research on Productivity in Jiangnan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Taipei: Lianjing, 2002.
18. Che Xilun, "Belief, Education and Entertainment - Research on Chinese Treasure Scrolls and Others", Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Company, 2002.
19. Qiu Pengsheng, "When Law Meets Economics: Commercial Law in Ming and Qing China", Taipei: Wunan, 2008.
20. Qiu Pengsheng and Chen Xiyuan, editors-in-chief, "Power and Culture in Legal Operations in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Taipei: Lianjing, 2009.
21. Craig Clunas, translated by Huang Xiaojuan, "Image and Visuality in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.
22. Fan Jinmin, "Commercial Disputes and Commercial Litigation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2007.
23. Tu Fengen, "Help: Doctors and Patients in Ming and Qing China", Taipei: Sanmin, 2012.
24. Written by Tadao Sakai, translated by Liu Yuebing and He Yingying, "Research on Chinese Good Books (Supplementary Edition)", Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2010.
25. Dorothy Ko, translated by Li Zhisheng, "Girls' School Master - The Culture of Talented Women in Jiangnan in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties", Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2005.
26. Zhang Yixi, "Rural Practice of Yangming Studies - Taking Jishui and Anfu Counties in Jiangxi Province in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasties as Examples", Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2013.
27. Liang Qizi, "Charity and Education-Charitable Organizations in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Press, 2001.
28. Chen Yunu, "The Field of Negotiation between Monks and Laity Within and Outside Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty", Taipei: Daoxiang, 2010.
29. Chen Yunu, "Buddhism and Society in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.
30. Chen Xiufen, "Health Preservation and Self-cultivation: Body Writing and Health Preservation Techniques of Literati in the Late Ming Dynasty", Taipei: Daoxiang Publishing House, 2009.
31. Chen Xia, "Research on Taoist Letters of Encouragement", Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House, 1999.
32. Chen Baoliang, "History of Social Life in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2004.
33. You Zian, "Shanhua Jinzhen: A Study of Good Books in the Qing Dynasty", Tianjin: Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1999.
34. You Zian, "Being kind to others - Charity and education since the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2005.
35. Fei Siyan, "From Model to Standard: The Strictization of the Concept of Chastity from the Identification and Spread of Chaste Women in the Ming Dynasty", Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 1998.
36. Feng Erkang et al., "Chinese Clan Society", Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 1994.
37. Xiong Bingzhen, "Young You: The Way of Infancy in Traditional China", Taipei: Lianjing, 1995.
38. Xiong Bingzhen, "An Chi: Diseases and Health of Children in Modern China" Taipei: Lianjing, 1999.
39. Liu Yonghua, ed., "Reader of Chinese Social and Cultural History", Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.
40. Fan Shuzhi, "The Fate of Literati in the Ming Dynasty", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2013.
41. Zheng Zhenman, "Family Organization and Social Change in Fujian during the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Beijing: Renmin University of China, 2009.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Performance and Attendance
book report
Group reports (oral and written)
final exam

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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:吳靜芳
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
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This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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