5.培養學生的國際觀和世界觀。1. Let elective students understand the status of domestic and domestic research on the history of Sino-German relations;
2. The status of the history of Sino-German relations in the history of Sino-foreign relations;
3. What are the important contents of the history of Sino-German relations?
4. Cultivate students’ ability to explore the history of foreign relations;
5. Cultivate students’ international outlook and world view.
1.余文堂:《中德早期關係史論文集》;2.拉騰赫夫(U. Rathenhof)著,王允闐譯:《德意志帝國1871-1945年對華政策》(Die Chinapolitik des deutschen Reiches 1871 bis 1945);3.施丟克(H. Stoecker)著,喬松譯:《十九世紀的德國與中國》(Deutschland und China im 19. Jahrhundert);4.李國祁:《中山先生與德國》;5.周惠民:《〔德國對華政策研究》;6.張水木:〈第一次世界大戰期間的中國對德外交政策(上、下篇)〉等。開學後會提供較完整的書目。
1. Yu Wentang: "Collected Essays on the History of Early Sino-German Relations"; 2. Written by U. Rathenhof, translated by Wang Yuntian: "German Empire's China Policy from 1871 to 1945" (Die Chinapolitik des deutschen Reiches 1871 bis 1945) ;3. Styuke (H. Stoecker, translated by Qiao Song: "Germany and China in the Nineteenth Century" (Deutschland und China im 19. Jahrhundert); 4. Li Guoqi: "Mr. Zhongshan and Germany"; 5. Zhou Huimin: "[Research on German Policy towards China" ; 6. Zhang Shuimu: "China's Foreign Policy towards Germany during the First World War (Parts 1 and 2)" etc. A more complete bibliography will be provided after the semester starts.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考、期末考、學期報告(含上課出席率與表現)各佔三分之一期中考、期末考、學期報告(含上課出席率與表現)各佔三分之一 Midterm exams, final exams, and semester reports (including class attendance and performance) each account for one-third |
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