course information of 103 - 2 | 0189 Studies in Drama(戲劇賞析)

Taught In English0189 - 戲劇賞析 Studies in Drama

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的設計,配合<戲劇創作>課程,以培訓編劇人才為目標。為了達成此目標,本課程內容涵蓋劇本分析、舞台表演(DVD)分析、專家演講三部分。除了課堂討論之外,學生必須提交劇本與舞台表演的分析報告。 劇本賞析課程將透過中外劇本的選讀,分析劇本各組成部分,包括角色塑造、情節結構、主題呈現等,引導學生認識、欣賞戲劇,並進而掌握戲劇創作要素。劇本分析之後亦將搭配舞台演出的觀賞,一方面探討劇本與舞台演出的相關性,一方面也試著讓學生認識從文字到舞台之間的差異性,以及劇場表現手法的各種可能性,希望能令學生具備觀賞劇場演出的能力,也能在創作劇本時兼顧劇場的特色與條件。本課程亦將搭配專家演講,希望能借重專家的實務經驗和專業知識加強學生關於戲劇的賞析與創作能力。The design of this course is combined with the course, with the goal of cultivating editorial talents. In order to achieve this goal, the content of this course covers three parts: playbook analysis, stage performance (DVD) analysis, and expert speech. In addition to class discussions, students must submit an analysis report on the playbook and stage performance. The playbook analysis course will analyze the various components of the play, including character shaping, plot structure, theme presentation, etc. through the selection of Chinese and foreign scripts, to guide students to recognize and appreciate dramas, and then master the elements of drama creation. After the analysis of the script, the viewing of stage performances will be combined with the viewing of stage performances. On the one hand, it explores the correlation between the script and stage performances. On the other hand, it also attempts to let students understand the differences from text to stage, as well as the various possibilities of the performance techniques of the drama. It is hoped that students can prepare to watch the performances, and also view the characteristics and conditions of the drama when creating the drama. This course will also be accompanied by an expert lecture, hoping to strengthen students' analysis and creation skills on dramas with the expert's practical experience and professional knowledge.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程的設計,配合<戲劇創作>課程,以培訓編劇人才為目標。為了達成此目標,本課程內容涵蓋劇本分析、舞台表演(DVD)分析、專家演講三部分。除了課堂討論之外,學生必須提交劇本與舞台表演的分析報告。 劇本分析從選讀中外劇本著手,分析劇本各組成部分,包括角色塑造、情節結構、主題呈現等,教導學生掌握戲劇要素。劇本分析之後觀看該劇的舞台表演,探討劇本與舞台演出的相關性,避免學生編出不能上演的案頭劇。專家演講則借重專家的經驗和知識加強學生對戲劇的賞析能力。
The design of this course is combined with the course, with the goal of cultivating editorial talents. In order to achieve this goal, the content of this course covers three parts: playbook analysis, stage performance (DVD) analysis, and expert speech. In addition to class discussions, students must submit an analysis report on the playbook and stage performance. The script analysis starts with selecting Chinese and foreign scripts, analyzing the various components of the script, including role shaping, story structure, theme presentation, etc., to teach students to master the elements of drama. After the script is analyzed, watch the stage performance of the play, explore the correlation between the script and the stage performance, and avoid students from compiling cases that cannot be performed. Expert lectures use experts' experience and knowledge to enhance students' analysis skills in dramas.

參考書目 Reference Books

《Our town》
"Doll House"
"Tea Museum"
"The Injustice of the Treasure"
"Midsummer Night's Dream"
"Six Dramas Who Looking for Authors"
"Han Palace Qiu"
Cao Yu's "Wang Zhaojun"
"Wang Zhaojun" by Liu Jianjun, Northern Kunqu Academy
"Waiting for Guotuo"
"Our town"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final report
Regular achievements (attendance, work, discussion)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[H318]
授課教師 Teacher:高禎臨
修課班級 Class:文創學程
選課備註 Memo:人工選課:限文化創意產業學分學程學生修習
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 24 人。

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