莊子是繼老子之後,另一個先秦道家代表性人物。而不論在中國思想史還是文學、藝術史上的重要性,前者都要高於後者。然而由於《莊子》文辭波瀾壯闊,思想內涵又極為精奧,再加上其書內、外、雜篇思想傾向不一,常使修習者無所適從。本課程希望藉由《莊子》的原典閱讀,將莊子及其後學思想有所闡明,進而瞭解莊子思想之精神並有所評價。Zhuangzi is another representative figure of Pre-Qin Taoism after Laozi. Regardless of its importance in the history of Chinese thought, literature, and art, the former is higher than the latter. However, due to the magnificent diction and profound ideological connotation of "Zhuangzi", coupled with the different ideological tendencies in its internal, external and miscellaneous chapters, practitioners often feel at a loss as to what to do. This course hopes to clarify the thoughts of Zhuangzi and his later scholars through reading the original text of "Zhuangzi", and then understand and evaluate the spirit of Zhuangzi's thoughts.
Textbook: Huang Jinshun: "New Translation of Zhuangzi Reader", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
Main reference books:
1. Chen Guying: "Modern Annotation and Translation of Zhuangzi", Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press.
2. Ouyang Jingxian and Ouyang Chao: "Explanation of Zhuangzi", Taipei: Liren Book Company.
3. Fang Yong and Lu Yongpin: "Comments on Zhuangzi", Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House.
4. Cui Dahua: "Explanation of Zhuangzi's Discord", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考試期末考試 final exam |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 |