■ 課程目標 (Course Objectives)
讓學生階段性完成對台灣美術史個時期發展與代表性藝術家及作品的了解與認識。■ Course Objectives
Discussion on the discussion on the history of art in Taiwan before midterm exam-before 1945
Discussion on the discussion on the history of art in Taiwan after midterm exams - after the war
Let students complete their understanding and understanding of Taiwan's artistic historian in a period of time and their representative artists and works.
The discussions in this course mainly include:
(1) Prehistoric times and indigenous culture
(2) Han people's immigration and Taiwan art in the Qing Dynasty
(3) Taiwan art during the Japanese era
(4) Taiwan Art after the Second Battle
(5) Introduction to modernism
(6) Discussion on the country's movement in the 1980s
(7) The Arrival of Art Museums and Gallery - Taiwan Arts after the 1980s
■ 主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印)
1. 蕭瓊瑞。《戰後台灣美術史》。台北:藝術家。【必讀教科書】
2. 蕭瓊瑞等。《台灣美術史綱》。台北:藝術家。
3. 王秀雄。《臺灣美術發展史論》。台北:國立歷史博物館。
4. 謝里法。《日據時代臺灣美術運動史》。台北:藝術家。
5. 廖新田。《台灣美術四論》。台北:典藏。
6. 倪再沁。《台灣美術的人文觀察》。台北:藝術家。
7. 蕭瓊瑞。《島嶼色彩:臺灣美術史論》。台北:東大。
8. 李欽賢。《臺灣美術閱覽》。台北:玉山社。
9. 顏娟英譯著。《風景心境:台灣近代美術文獻導讀》,台北:雄獅美術,2001。
10. 蕭瓊瑞,《圖說台灣美術史:渡台讚歌(荷西•明清篇)》,台北:藝術家出版社。
11. 蕭瓊瑞,圖說台灣美術史 渡海讚歌(荷西•明清篇),藝術家出版社,2003。
■ Main reference books/data (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks and References are not illegally photocopying)
1. 正六后. "History of Art in Taiwan in the Later War". Taipei: Artist. 【Must read textbook】
2. Ziying Rui et al. "Taiwan Art History". Taipei: Artist.
3. Wang Xiuxiong. "A History of Taiwan's Art Development". Taipei: National History Museum.
4. Thank you method. "History of Taiwanese Art Sports in the Japanese Age". Taipei: Artist.
5. Liao Xintian. "Four Comments on Taiwan Art". Taipei: Collection.
6. Ni Zaiqin. "Humanistic View of Taiwan Art". Taipei: Artist.
7. 正王王. "Island Color: Taiwan Art History". Taipei: Dongda University.
8. Li Yanqian. "Taiwan Art View". Taipei: Yushan Society.
9. Translated by Yan Juanying. "Scenery and Mind: Taiwan's Modern Art Articles and Reading", Taipei: Lion Art, 2001.
10. Qi Ying Rui, "Pictures of Taiwan's Art History: Songs of the Song of Crossing the Taiwan Strait (Jose • Ming and Qing dynasties)", Taipei: Artist Publishing House.
11. Zhai Chang Rui, picture of Taiwan's art history, praises crossing the sea (Jose • Ming and Qing dynasties), Artist Publishing House, 2003.
12. Viagra, Fengzhen and recognition - Research on the Eight Scenery Pictures of Taiwanese Local Chronicles, Collection Artist, 2006.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率20%出席率20% Attendance rate 20% |
20 | 課程前半 50%、課程後半 50% |
報告20%報告20% Report 20% |
20 | 課堂互動 額外加分 |
筆記筆記 Note |
10 |