4.展開當代數位藝術與審美文化視野。1. Establish the ability to use digital image software
2. Cultivate the performance ability of digital imaging software in creation
3. Creating artistic works
4. Expand contemporary digital art and aesthetic cultural vision.
Let art students conduct advanced courses for development and use through digital media. Through the characteristics of static and dynamic digital software, we can create various types of works such as planes, animations, and multimedia, or explore the potential for commercial applications.
Photoshop CS6全新進化。作者:呂昶億、杜慎甄。臺北市;松崗資產管理。ISBN:978-957-22-4055-7
Illustrator CS5 高手成長之路。李金榮等 編著。臺北市;松崗資產管理。ISBN:978-957-22-3982-7
The Adobe Illustrator CS5 Wow! Book中文版。作者:Sharon Steuer。出版社:碁峰2011年03月15日ISBN:9789862761335
Photoshop CS6 is completely new and improved. Authors: Ji Changyi and Du Shenzhen. Taipei City; Songgang Asset Management. ISBN: 978-957-22-4055-7
Illustrator CS5 The path to growth of experts. Edited by Li Jinrong and others. Taipei City; Songgang Asset Management. ISBN: 978-957-22-3982-7
The Adobe Illustrator CS5 Wow! Book Chinese version. Author: Sharon Steuer. Publisher: Qifeng March 15, 2011 ISBN: 9789862761335
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 出、缺席、討論 |
作業成績作業成績 Business achievements |
40 | 平時作品及隨堂練習 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 |