course information of 103 - 1 | 8408 Marketing Management.(行銷管理學)

Taught In English8408 - 行銷管理學 Marketing Management.

教育目標 Course Target

1本書教學重點行銷理論與實務結合; 本書所介紹行銷內容 是以可實踐的;行動的行銷管理為內容 2本書各章行銷個案分析說明 使學習 之學生淺顯易懂; 化繁為簡; 產生興趣. 授課老師 事半功倍; 達到教學效果1. The teaching focus of this book is the combination of marketing theory and practice; the marketing content introduced in this book It is based on practical and actionable marketing management. 2. The analysis and explanation of marketing cases in each chapter of this book make it easy for students to understand; simplify the complex; Generate interest. Teachers can get twice the result with half the effort; achieve teaching results

課程概述 Course Description

行銷管理在商業的角色漸形重要,也是公司中獲取競爭差異的主要利器。因此,即便你不是一個行銷經理。研讀行銷管理亦可使你裨益良多。 本課程是行銷學的導論部分:對提供產品或服務去滿足人類欲望這樣一門學科及實踐的研究。為了闡明和討論行銷的概念,我們將會閱讀一些科學期刊的文章、行銷教科書中的章節、新聞剪報,以及流行讀物中的節選文章。我們同樣也會使用案例分析法來說明行銷學中的原理並把理論應用到實際生活中。 本課程主要目的是為了教導學生有關行銷學的基本知識並且如何去應用。課程包括行銷觀念、行銷規劃、市場區隔跟定位等。 課程包括課堂講稿、詳細的教學時程以及一系列閱讀材料,講述行銷學的初步知識。本課著重在幫助學生深刻瞭解行銷學中的「4P」,分別是產品、價格、促銷和通路,並培養學生的分析、研究和策略(思考)能力。
Marketing management plays an increasingly important role in business and is also the company's main tool for obtaining competitive differentiation. So even if you're not a marketing manager. You can also benefit from studying marketing management. This course is an introductory part of marketing: the study of the discipline and practice of providing products or services to satisfy human desires. To illustrate and discuss marketing concepts, we will read articles from scientific journals, chapters from marketing textbooks, news clippings, and excerpts from popular books. We also use case studies to illustrate marketing principles and apply theory to real life situations. The main purpose of this course is to teach students the basic knowledge of marketing and how to apply it. Courses include marketing concepts, marketing planning, market segmentation and positioning, etc. The course includes lecture notes, a detailed teaching schedule and a series of reading materials to introduce the basic knowledge of marketing. This course focuses on helping students gain a deep understanding of the "4Ps" in marketing, which are product, price, promotion and channel, and develop students' analysis, research and strategic (thinking) abilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

行銷管理 郭振鶴 著/ 出版社:滄海書局
Marketing Management Written by Guo Zhenhe/Publisher: Canghai Book Company

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 Open Book
Final report
30 電子檔繳交
usual results
40 出席, 課堂討論

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[SS210]
授課教師 Teacher:林世揚
修課班級 Class:經濟系2,3,4,5
選課備註 Memo:*列入指定選修學分
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 20 人。

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