course information of 103 - 1 | 8305 Population, Health and Social(人口、健康與社會)

Taught In English8305 - 人口、健康與社會 Population, Health and Social

教育目標 Course Target

1.培養學生了解健康對個人的影響,並了解影響個人健康的因素。 2.培養學生了解健康促進與健康行為的內涵。 3.培養學生了解健康與人口、社會的關係,對社會、國家永續發展的影響。 4.培養學生提升健康方案設計的能力與培養健康的生活習慣。1. Cultivate students to understand the impact of health on individuals and understand the factors that affect personal health. 2. Cultivate students to understand the connotation of health promotion and healthy behavior. 3. Cultivate students to understand the relationship between health, population and society, and its impact on the sustainable development of society and the country. 4. Cultivate students’ ability to improve health plan design and develop healthy living habits.

參考書目 Reference Books

Jennie, Naidoo, 與 Jane, Will(賴秀芬),2010,《健康促進》。台北:台灣愛思唯爾



Barry, Anne-Marie, 與 Chris Yuill (郭寶蓮、黃俊榮譯 ),2009, 《健康社會學導讀》 。台北:韋伯文化。

Weeks, John R. 2010。 《人口學—觀念與議題》。前程出版社,涂肇慶、侯苗苗譯。

成令方(主編),2008, 《醫療與社會共舞》 。台北:群學。
Jennie, Naidoo, and Jane, Will (Lai Xiufen), 2010, "Health Promotion". Taipei: Elsevier Taiwan

John Robbins (88) New Age Diet. Taipei: Liuliguang Publishing House.

Edited by Zheng Xuefei, Liu Junchang, Huang Yawen, and Huang Yiqing: Healthy Life—The Connotation of Healthy Teaching; Taipei: Psychology Press, Min. 85

Barry, Anne-Marie, and Chris Yuill (translated by Guo Baolian and Huang Junrong), 2009, "An Introduction to the Sociology of Health". Taipei: Weber Culture.

Weeks, John R. 2010. "Demography—Ideas and Issues." Qiancheng Publishing House, translated by Tu Zhaoqing and Hou Miaomiao.

Cheng Lingfang (Editor-in-Chief), 2008, "Dance of Medical Care and Society". Taipei: Qunxue.
Zhang Longyun, 2003, "Medical Care and Society". Taipei: Juliu.
Chen Xiuhui (2009). A preliminary study on the trend of old-age annuity benefit age. Community Development Quarterly, 125, 56-65.
Chen Xiuhui (2010). The way to sustainably develop the National Pension Fund - never-ending reform. Insurance Operations and Institutions, 9(1), 103-126.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
group report
40 指定報告題目,請同學依小組的方式進行報告
Assignment, group video experience
30 平時作業,及影片心得報告
30 無故缺席者扣分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/11,12,13[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:陳貽照
修課班級 Class:運健學程1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 23 人。

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