course information of 103 - 1 | 8117 Service Innovation(服務創新)

Taught In English8117 - 服務創新 Service Innovation

教育目標 Course Target

創新是企業能否維持競爭力的關鍵,服務創新更是繼技術研發與產品設計的創新之後下一波的轉型關鍵。資訊科系的學生如何在未來畢業後到職場上能保有一席之地,維繫長期的競爭力,是現代資訊系學生該面對與思考的課題。本課程的目的就是提供學生服務創新的概念,釐清資訊相關技術與工具在未來所扮演的角色。本課程將提供多個服務創新的案例分享,讓學生了解創意的發想與產生的過程,並設計幾個服務創新的作業題目,讓學生親自參與體驗服務創新的練習。Innovation is the key to whether an enterprise can maintain its competitiveness, and service innovation is the key to the next wave of transformation after innovation in technology research and development and product design. How information science students can secure a place in the workplace after graduation and maintain long-term competitiveness is a topic that modern information science students should face and think about. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the concept of service innovation and clarify the role that information-related technologies and tools will play in the future. This course will provide multiple service innovation case sharings to allow students to understand the process of ideation and generation. It will also design several service innovation homework questions to allow students to personally participate in service innovation exercises.

課程概述 Course Description

科技業或是製造業一向有產品創新管理,遵循著系統化的產品開發程序,創造消費者期待的新產品。這些實體產業的新產品常依循著技術精進之後,開發進階產品的模式。在無形產品附加價值超越有形產品的時代,服務業的產品多為無形性產品,為了要使創新開發與消費者的需求更貼近,使服務性產品創新有跡可循,本課程將從使用者、組織及機構來分析歸納,引導學習者達到以消費者的需求為思考主軸,並以管理創意的模式來使服務創新在系統化的模式產生。課程終將介紹包含破壞新創新及開放性創新等理論及應用。 期待上完課程學生可針對實際狀況的情境可以找出脈絡,想出服務產品開發的線索及規劃,並強化以下能力: 1.創造感動的顧客體驗 2.了解顧客的需求~ 觀察消費者的生活模式,尋找其潛在需求 3.開發產品服務系統的核心能力建立
The technology industry or manufacturing industry has always had product innovation management, following systematic product development procedures to create new products that consumers expect. New products in these physical industries often follow the model of developing advanced products after technological advancement. In an era when the added value of intangible products exceeds that of tangible products, most of the products in the service industry are intangible products. In order to make innovative development closer to the needs of consumers and make service product innovation traceable, this course will start from users. , organizations and institutions to analyze and summarize, guide learners to think about consumer needs as the main axis, and use the creative management model to produce service innovation in a systematic model. The course will eventually introduce theories and applications including disruptive new innovation and open innovation. It is expected that after completing the course, students can find out the context of actual situations, come up with clues and plans for service product development, and strengthen the following abilities: 1. Create a touching customer experience 2. Understand the needs of customers ~ Observe consumers’ life patterns and find their potential needs 3. Establish core capabilities for product and service system development

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 設計思考改造世界 by Tim Brown,
聯經出版社 吳莉君 譯
2. 新平台式思考 by 平野敦士卡爾
木馬文化 鐘明秀 譯

3. 一個人的策展年代 by Kenichi Sato,
世茂出版社 陳文涵譯

4. 哈佛教育學院的一門青年創新課 by Tony Wagner
時報出版 陳以禮 譯

5. 開放式服務創新 by Henry Chesbrough
天下雜誌 李芳齡譯

6. 心智圖法 理論與應用
商周出版社 孫易新著

7. 服務創新時代 關鍵報告 by Dieter Spath、Walter Ganz.
商周出版社 陳琇玲譯

8. TRIZ 創新的科技 by Isak Bukhman
建速出版社 蕭詠今譯
1. Design Thinking Transforms the World by Tim Brown,
Translated by Wu Lijun from Lianjing Publishing House
2. New platform thinking by Atsuka Hirano
Trojan Culture Translated by Zhong Mingxiu

3. A person’s curatorial years by Kenichi Sato,
Shimao Publishing House Translated by Chen Wenhan

4. A youth innovation course at Harvard School of Education by Tony Wagner
Published by The Times Translated by Chen Yili

5. Open Service Innovation by Henry Chesbrough
Tianxia Magazine Translated by Li Fangling

6. Mind mapping theory and application
Shang and Zhou Publishing House Sun Yi's new book

7. Key reports in the era of service innovation by Dieter Spath, Walter Ganz.
Translated by Shang and Zhou Publishing House

8. TRIZ innovative technology by Isak Bukhman
Jiansu Publishing House Translated by Xiao Yongjin

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12,13[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:許瑞愷
修課班級 Class:資工系3
選課備註 Memo:日間部可選;數創組分組選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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