course information of 103 - 1 | 7055 Advanced Study in Human Factors(人因專論)

Taught In English7055 - 人因專論 Advanced Study in Human Factors

教育目標 Course Target

人機介面和互動式設計這門學科的內涵仍在不斷擴增演化中,本課程目標是要提供一本全方位的學習指引。在一堂課中,要做到包羅萬象、鉅細靡遺,確實不容易,惟本課程已涵蓋了有關人機介面和互動式設計的主要議題和內容。The connotation of the subject of human-computer interface and interactive design is still expanding and evolving. The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive learning guide. It is indeed not easy to cover everything and detail in one class, but this course has covered the main topics and contents related to human-computer interface and interactive design.

課程概述 Course Description

Connected with human factors engineering related courses in the university, conduct in-depth discussions on specific topics, and practice solutions to various related human factors problems in the practical world. The professional abilities taught are in-depth discussion of human factors and related interface design on specific issues. The teaching content is 1. Research methods, 2. Paper reading and discussion. The teaching objectives are 1. Familiarity with the methods and applications of human factors engineering, 2. In-depth understanding of the topic, and 3. Future trends in the field of human factors. The ability developed by students after completing this course is to comprehensively consider all related human factors issues and propose solutions when facing design problems in the practical world.

參考書目 Reference Books

人機介面:互動式系統設計(最新修訂版)(附光碟)作者:David Benyon、Phil Tu... 譯者:郭學武 出版社:碁峰 出版日期:2009年09月15日

認知心理學 五版 2010年 (Cognitive Psychology 5/E)作者:Robert J. Sternberg 譯者:李玉琇.蔣文祁 出版社:雙葉書廊 出版日期:2010年03月01日

不為設計而設計=最好的設計:生態學的設計論作者:後藤武、佐佐木正人、深澤直人 譯者:黃友玫 出版社:漫遊者文化 出版日期:2008年07月08日
Human-computer interface: Interactive system design (latest revised edition) (with CD) Author: David Benyon, Phil Tu... Translator: Guo Xuewu Publisher: Qi Feng Publication date: September 15, 2009

Cognitive Psychology fifth edition 2010 (Cognitive Psychology 5/E) Author: Robert J. Sternberg Translator: Li Yuxiu. Jiang Wenqi Publisher: Shuangye Book Gallery Publication date: March 1, 2010

Not designing for design’s sake = the best design: Ecological design theory Authors: Goto Takeshi, Sasaki Masato, Fukasawa Naoto Translator: Huang Youmei Publisher: Wanderer Culture Publication date: July 8, 2008

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4
授課教師 Teacher:謝志成
修課班級 Class:工工博乙, 工設碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 9 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 9 人。

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