course information of 103 - 1 | 7054 Sensibility Engineering(感性工學論)

Taught In English7054 - 感性工學論 Sensibility Engineering

教育目標 Course Target

本課程教學的目標如下: 1. 感性與理性的基礎概念-感性的產生與人類生心理的了解。 2. 感性社會形成對於生活與設計的影響-感性社會形成的因果關連。 3. 感性工學的問題與解決方法-設計諸問題感性問題解決方法的應用。 4. 感性工學在產品開發設計管理的運用-產品開發流程感應問題的發現與對應。 5. 案例研究的演練-提升研究的能量與設計思考的視角。The teaching objectives of this course are as follows: 1. The basic concepts of sensibility and rationality - the generation of sensibility and the understanding of human psychology. 2. The impact of the formation of perceptual society on life and design - the causal connection of the formation of perceptual society. 3. Problems and solutions of Kansei Engineering - application of Kansei problem solving methods to various design problems. 4. The application of Kansei Engineering in product development and design management - the discovery and response to sensory issues in the product development process. 5. Practice of case studies-increase the energy of research and the perspective of design thinking.

課程概述 Course Description

隨著人類物質的提升與人與人之間的淡化,過渡科技化的產品欠缺感覺…等現象,而引發設計上對於人或情感的問題同時也牽動與產品之間的各種問題的產生,也意味著感性社會逐漸形成。感性工學顧名思義是將感性轉換成理性的過程,其中牽涉及感官特性的心理問題。一般設計的過程稱之為「思維邏輯的黑箱」,存在有曖昧不明、因人而易等不確定性。因此本課程對於此類問題上的解決及方法除了說明外也例舉相關應用實例以助瞭解。 1. 感性與理性的基礎概念 2. 感性社會形成對於生活與設計的影響 3. 感性工學的問題與解決方法 4. 感性工學在產品開發設計管理的運用 5. 案例研究與討論
With the improvement of human materials and the fading of interpersonal relationships, phenomena such as the lack of feelings in over-technical products have caused problems with people or emotions in design, and also affected the emergence of various problems with products. It means the gradual formation of a perceptual society. As the name suggests, Kansei Engineering is the process of converting sensibility into rationality, which involves psychological issues involving sensory characteristics. The general design process is called the "black box of thinking logic", and there are uncertainties such as ambiguity and changes depending on people. Therefore, this course not only explains the solutions and methods to such problems, but also gives relevant application examples to help understand. 1. Basic concepts of sensibility and rationality 2. The impact of the formation of perceptual society on life and design 3. Problems and solutions in Kansei Engineering 4. Application of Kansei Engineering in Product Development, Design and Management 5. Case studies and discussions

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 感性工学-感性をデザイン活かすテクノロジー;長町三生著、海文堂出版。
2. 感性情報処理;井上征士他5名共著;電子情報通信学会編集、オーム社。
3. 感性商品学-感性工学の基礎と応用;長町三生著、海文堂出版。
4. 感性工学入門-直感から直観へ;小林宏著、産能大学出版社部刊。
5. 心理学;葉重新著、心理出版社。感性工学の招待-感性から暮らしを考える、森北出版。
6. ゲーム感覚意思決定法;AHP入門、刀根薫著;日科技連出版。
7. デザイン計畫の調查.實驗 小原 二郎編
8. デザインマインドコンパニ一 クリストフアu一.ロしンッ
9. デザイ二ング 森 典彥編
1. Kansei Engineering - Kansense Engineering and Research; written by Nagamachi Sansei and published by Kaibundang.
2. Perceptual Information Processing; co-authored by Seiji Inoue and 5 others; compiled by the Society of Electronic Information and Communications Technology, Ere Co., Ltd.
3. Kansei Commodity Science - The Basics and Application of Kansei Engineering; written by Nagamachi Sansei and published by Kaibundo.
4. Introduction to Kansei Engineering—Intuitive Engineering; written by Hiroshi Kobayashi and published by Sanno University Press.
5. Psychology; written by Ye Zhong, Psychological Press. Kansei Engineering no Invitation - Sensing Engineering Research, published by Morikita.
6. How to determine the meaning of ゲームSense; written by AHP Introduction, Togen Karu; published by Japan Science and Technology Company.
7. Investigation and experiment of Project Tokugin edited by Jiro Obara
8. デザインマインドコンパニ一 クリストフアu一.ロしンッ
9. デザイ二ング Mori Norihiko ed.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
learning attitude
30 課程進行的學習方式與討論
Learning Outcome Report
50 課程進行的案例成果與報告繳交

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4
授課教師 Teacher:郭炳宏
修課班級 Class:工設碩1,工工博乙
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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