course information of 103 - 1 | 7017 Environment / Behavior Studies(環境行為學)

Taught In English7017 - 環境行為學 Environment / Behavior Studies

教育目標 Course Target

傳授人類行為與實質環境間的關係,包括理論、概念架構、各類概念與尺度空間之實證與規範性知識,同學可應用之於觀察、評估、分析現有環境,進而規劃、設計新環境或改善舊環境。To teach the relationship between human behavior and physical environment, including theories, conceptual frameworks, empirical and normative knowledge of various concepts and scale spaces, which students can apply to observe, evaluate, and analyze existing environments, and then plan, design new environments, or improve them. old environment.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 常懷生(編著) 1995,《建築環境心理學》,台北:田園城市文化
2. 王錦堂(編) 1994,《環境設計應用行為學》,台北:東華
3. 王錦堂(譯) 1987,《環境心理學》,Heimstra, Norman W. & McFarling, Leslie E.(原著)《Environmental Psychology》 Brooks/Cole 台北:茂榮
4. 危芷芬(譯) 1995,《環境心理學》,Mcandrew, Francis T. (原著),1993,《Environmental Psychology》 Brooks/Cole,台北:五南
5. Bell, P. A.;Fisher, J. D.;Baum, A.;Greene, T. C. 1990(3rd ed.)《Environmental Psychology》Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
6. 關華山(譯) 1996,《研究與設計》,Zeisel, John(原著),1981(1st ed.)1984 Cambrige U. Press. 台北:田園城市文化
7. 王明賢 1994 〈記「建築與心理學」學術研討會〉空間雜誌第54期PP.80-82
8. 畢恆達 1989 〈環境心理學資料引介〉台大城鄉學報VOL.14 NO.1 PP.115-136
9. 青木正夫 Aoki Masao 1992 〈建築計畫學之理念及方法〉空間雜誌第31期1992.2 PP.40-42
10. Altman, Irwin;Rogoff, B. 1987 〈World View in Psychology:Trait, Interactional, Organismic, and Transactional Perspectives〉 in 《Handbook of Environmental Psychology》 chapter 1. PP.7-40
11. Bechtel, Robert B ; Churchman, Arza ( eds ) 2002 《Handbook of Environmental Psychology》New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
12. 李增道(編著) 1999,《環境行為學概論》北京:清華大學出版社
13. 洪蘭(譯) Gleitman, H.(原作)1995《心理學》台北:遠流
14. 赫曼.赫茨伯格 1991/1996《建築學教程-設計原理》台北:聖文書局
15. Hertzberg, Herman 2000 《Space and the Architect-Lessons in Architecture 2》 Rolterdam:010 Publishers.
16. Tuan, Yi-Fu (著)潘桂成(譯) 1998《經驗透視中的空間和地方》台北:國立編譯館
17. 林玉蓮 胡正凡 (編著) 2000 《環境心理學》中國建築工業出版社
18. 徐磊青 楊公俠 (編著) 2002 《環境心理學─環境、知覺與行為》 同濟大學出版社
19. 徐詩思(譯) Clare Cooper Marcus (著) 2000 (1995) 《家屋 自我的一面鏡子》 台北: 張老師文化事業股份有限公司
20. Lawson, Bryan 2001 The Language of Space Architectural Press.
21. Vischer, Jacqueline C. 2005 Space Meets Status – Designing workplace performance London: Routledge.
1. Chang Huaisheng (editor) 1995, "Psychology of the Built Environment", Taipei: Garden City Culture
2. Wang Jintang (ed.) 1994, "Applied Behavior in Environmental Design", Taipei: Donghua
3. Wang Jintang (translated) 1987, "Environmental Psychology", Heimstra, Norman W. & McFarling, Leslie E. (original) "Environmental Psychology" Brooks/Cole Taipei: Maorong
4. Wei Zhifen (translation) 1995, "Environmental Psychology", Mcandrew, Francis T. (original), 1993, "Environmental Psychology" Brooks/Cole, Taipei: Wunan
5. Bell, P. A.; Fisher, J. D.; Baum, A.; Greene, T. C. 1990 (3rd ed.) "Environmental Psychology" Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
6. Guan Huashan (translated) 1996, "Research and Design", Zeisel, John (original), 1981 (1st ed.) 1984 Cambrige U. Press. Taipei: Garden City Culture
7. Wang Mingxian 1994 "Record of the Academic Seminar on "Architecture and Psychology"" Space Magazine Issue 54 PP.80-82
8. Bi Hengda 1989 "Introduction to Environmental Psychology Materials" Journal of National Taiwan University Urban and Rural Affairs VOL.14 NO.1 PP.115-136
9. Aoki Masao 1992 "Concepts and Methods of Architectural Planning" Space Magazine Issue 31 1992.2 PP.40-42
10. Altman, Irwin; Rogoff, B. 1987 〈World View in Psychology: Trait, Interactional, Organismic, and Transactional Perspectives〉 in "Handbook of Environmental Psychology" chapter 1. PP.7-40
11. Bechtel, Robert B; Churchman, Arza (eds) 2002 "Handbook of Environmental Psychology" New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
12. Li Zengdao (editor) 1999, "Introduction to Environmental Behavior" Beijing: Tsinghua University Press
13. Hong Lan (Translation) Gleitman, H. (Original) 1995 "Psychology" Taipei: Yuanliu
14. Herman Herzberg 1991/1996 "Architecture Course-Design Principles" Taipei: Holy Books
15. Hertzberg, Herman 2000 "Space and the Architect-Lessons in Architecture 2" Rolterdam: 010 Publishers.
16. Tuan, Yi-Fu (author) Pan Guicheng (translator) 1998 "Space and Place in Empirical Perspective" Taipei: National Compilation and Translation Center
17. Lin Yulian and Hu Zhengfan (editors) 2000 "Environmental Psychology" China Construction Industry Press
18. Xu Leiqing and Yang Gongxia (editors) 2002 "Environmental Psychology - Environment, Perception and Behavior" Tongji University Press
19. Xu Shisi (translated) Clare Cooper Marcus (authored) 2000 (1995) "Home, a Mirror of Self" Taipei: Teacher Zhang Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
20. Lawson, Bryan 2001 The Language of Space Architectural Press.
21. Vischer, Jacqueline C. 2005 Space Meets Status – Designing workplace performance London: Routledge.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中、期末交上課及講義閱讀心得報告二篇,每篇至少一萬字。連同上述小練習一併交。 各占20%期中、期末交上課及講義閱讀心得報告二篇,每篇至少一萬字。連同上述小練習一併交。 各占20%
Two reports on class and lecture reading experience should be submitted at the midterm and final, each of at least 10,000 words. Hand it in together with the short exercise above. 20% each
期中、期末考試 各占30%期中、期末考試 各占30%
Midterm and final exams each account for 30%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4
授課教師 Teacher:關華山
修課班級 Class:工工博乙, 建築3-碩
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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