course information of 103 - 1 | 7004 Architectural Design Studio. (I)(建築設計Ⅰ)

Taught In English7004 - 建築設計Ⅰ Architectural Design Studio. (I)

教育目標 Course Target

在學習建築的過程中,對環境的觀察與探索是很重要的一環,也是一關鍵性的開始,因為在人與環境的複雜關係中,建築師往往必須扮演著介入而控制環境的角色。要如何能有效的提出適宜的態度與看法,設計者除了先要具備敏銳的觀察力,能夠快速掌握基地環境的所有特質之外,並且要能夠善於利用工具,對於所面臨的基地做詳細的紀錄,再經由適當的討論與操作過程來獲取全面性的了解,進而提出對於基地與環境的基本策略。 本練習將開始要求同學建立對環境條件的基本態度與看法,並且同時訓練同學熟練基本工具的操作。In the process of learning architecture, observation and exploration of the environment is a very important part and a critical beginning, because in the complex relationship between people and the environment, architects often have to play the role of intervening and controlling the environment. In order to effectively put forward appropriate attitudes and opinions, designers must first have keen observation skills and be able to quickly grasp all the characteristics of the base environment. They must also be good at using tools to make detailed records of the base they face. , and then obtain a comprehensive understanding through appropriate discussions and operations, and then propose basic strategies for the base and environment. This exercise will begin to require students to establish basic attitudes and views on environmental conditions, and at the same time train students to be proficient in the operation of basic tools.

課程概述 Course Description

在學習建築的過程中,對環境的觀察與探索是很重要的一環,也是一關鍵性的開始,因為在人與環境的複雜關係中,建築師往往必須扮演著介入而控制環境的角色。要如何能有效的提出適宜的態度與看法,設計者除了先要具備敏銳的觀察力,能夠快速掌握基地環境的所有特質之外,並且要能夠善於利用工具,對於所面臨的基地做詳細的紀錄,再經由適當的討論與操作過程來獲取全面性的了解,進而提出對於基地與環境的基本策略。 本練習將開始要求同學建立對環境條件的基本態度與看法,並且同時訓練同學熟練基本工具的操作。
In the process of learning architecture, observation and exploration of the environment is a very important part and a critical beginning, because in the complex relationship between people and the environment, architects often have to play the role of intervening and controlling the environment. In order to effectively put forward appropriate attitudes and opinions, designers must first have keen observation skills and be able to quickly grasp all the characteristics of the base environment. They must also be good at using tools to make detailed records of the base they face. , and then obtain a comprehensive understanding through appropriate discussions and operations, and then propose basic strategies for the base and environment. This exercise will begin to require students to establish basic attitudes and views on environmental conditions, and at the same time train students to be proficient in the operation of basic tools.

參考書目 Reference Books

Related basic tool manuals.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participation in class discussions
Evaluation of design results in the second stage
Evaluation of design results in the third stage

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:林昌修
修課班級 Class:建築碩1B
選課備註 Memo:1B必修。暑假開課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 7 人。

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