course information of 103 - 1 | 6914 Art Profession Workshop (I)(藝術專業職能講座(一))

Taught In English6914 - 藝術專業職能講座(一) Art Profession Workshop (I)

教育目標 Course Target

藝術專業職能講座(一) 1.學生能了解藝術生態中各種角色所具有的功能和相互關係。 2.學生能了解藝術資源、市場與運作機制。 3.學生能認同自身於藝術生態中的傳統角色和開創觀點,並具有身分和職業之倫理觀。 藝術專業職能講座(二) 1.學生能了解著作權法、契約的形式與功能。 2.學生能了解藝術獎項的特質和功能。 3.學生能了解展覽呈現方式和操作機制。 4.學生能了解作品價格和市場規則。Functional lectures for art majors (1) 1. Students can understand the functions and interrelationships of various roles in the art ecology. 2. Students can understand art resources, markets and operating mechanisms. 3. Students can identify with their traditional role and pioneering views in the art ecology, and have identity and professional ethics. Functional Lectures for Art Majors (2) 1. Students can understand copyright law and the form and function of contracts. 2. Students can understand the characteristics and functions of art awards. 3. Students can understand the exhibition presentation method and operating mechanism. 4. Students can understand the price of works and market rules.

課程概述 Course Description

This is a specially designed course for graduate students in art creation. The main purpose is to allow the institute's training not only to explore the quality and methods of creation, but also to take into account students' role as a creator in Taiwanese society, and learn how to plan and operate effectively. their future professional career. The course-selecting students of the Countermeasure Evaluation Team serve as an understanding of the art ecology and mechanism, as well as familiarity with the creator's production model, in order to strengthen the function of the intermediary role.

參考書目 Reference Books

2.Hans Abbing著,嚴玲娟譯,【為什麼藝術家那麼窮?-打破經濟規則的藝術產業】,2008,典藏,台北。
1. Murakami Takashi, [Art Entrepreneurship Theory], 2007, Chengbang/Shangzhou Publishing House, Taipei.
2. Hans Abbing, translated by Yan Lingjuan, [Why are artists so poor? - The art industry that breaks economic rules], 2008, Collection, Taipei.
3. "Collection", "Artist" and other art magazines and cultural and art reports.
4. Relevant government and foundation subsidy work and regulations, art residency measures, etc.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Quality, progress, and completion of work
20 上課點名三次未到(二次遲到計一次缺席),列入優先不通過名單。
Participation and seriousness in class discussions
Group work attitude

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10
授課教師 Teacher:林 平
修課班級 Class:美術碩,專班
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 15 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 15 人。

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