course information of 103 - 1 | 6911 (跨領域專題:電影與美術)

Taught In English6911 - 跨領域專題:電影與美術

教育目標 Course Target

(一) 藝術家傳記式電影的深入認識與欣賞,從電影語言中找出藝術創作的動人之處。 (二) 從電影的時間進行看繪畫的空間展現,從時間和空間的呈現方式來比較兩種藝術的手法的差異。 (三) 學生以個人作品集為本,自己編劇並拍攝出既符合真實狀態又能引人入勝的短片。 學生應依所長進行分組合作的方式,相互支援,以進行”協助剖析創作脈絡”短片的製作(1) In-depth understanding and appreciation of artist biographical films, and finding out the touching aspects of artistic creation from the film language. (2) Look at the spatial presentation of paintings from the perspective of film time, and compare the differences in the techniques of the two arts from the presentation of time and space. (3) Based on their personal portfolio, students write and shoot short films that are both realistic and engaging. Students should cooperate in groups according to their strengths and support each other in order to produce a short film "Assist in Analyzing the Creative Context"

課程概述 Course Description

本課程旨在透過導演的詮釋方式來重新審視美術家的創作脈絡。電影鏡頭有其獨特且多元的敘述手法,往往可以較為全面的觀察藝術家的造形思考、創作手法、技巧細節及心境轉換等複雜的面向,但也因為電影要考慮商業票房以致於往往會不依史實來呈現,為了劇情張力或畫面效果不免歪曲史實,以較為煽情的方式來表達。 電影中的藝術往往已經喧賓奪主的成為世人所認知的藝術假象,以致於藝術的真實面貌經常被扭曲,本課程將透過電影與藝術史的對話、辯證,重新瞭解美術創作的真實狀態。
This course aims to re-examine the artist's creative context through the director's interpretation. Movie lenses have their own unique and diverse narrative techniques, which often allow for a more comprehensive observation of the artist's plastic thinking, creative techniques, technical details, and mood transitions. However, because movies have to consider commercial box office, they often do not rely on historical facts. Presentation, for the sake of plot tension or visual effect, inevitably distorts historical facts and expresses them in a more sensational way. Art in movies has often become the illusion of art recognized by the world, so that the true appearance of art is often distorted. This course will re-understand the true state of art creation through dialogue and dialectics between film and art history.

參考書目 Reference Books


諾亞.諾亞 高更大溪地畫集 高更著/張依依譯 藝術家出版
梵谷傳 Irving Stone/余光中譯 九歌出版
電影的魔力 Howard Suber/游宜樺譯 早安財經文化出版
萬世千秋The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965\139) 卡洛.李Carol Reed\英國
達利和他的情人\少許灰燼 Little Ashes(2008\112) 保羅.莫利森 Paul Morrison\英國
Artist Biography: Complete Works of World Famous Painters/Artist Publishing

Noah. Noah Gauguin's collection of Hiti paintings, written by Gauguin/translated by Zhang Yiyi, published by the artist
The Biography of Van Gogh by Irving Stone/Yu Guang Chinese Translation Jiuge Publishing
Works of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction/Benjamin
The Magic of Movies Howard Suber/Translated by You Yihua Good Morning Finance and Culture Publishing
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965\139) Carol Reed\UK
Dali and his lover\Little Ashes(2008\112) Paul Morrison\UK

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class report
midterm assignment
final assignment

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/1,2
授課教師 Teacher:倪再沁/林銓居
修課班級 Class:美術專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:隔週上課。不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 18 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 18 人。

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