course information of 103 - 1 | 6854 (城市自造實驗I)

Taught In English6854 - 城市自造實驗I

教育目標 Course Target

因應《經濟學人》預期到來的第三波工業革命「個人化數位製造」趨勢: 虛擬與實體、軟體與硬體、設計和生產的逐漸整合,當代設計思考與流程已經不同於傳統的手工藝方法,而是在數位環境中經過虛擬與運算的立體化操作,直接將數位資訊用3D成型機具列印,或從3D模型中生產2D圖面和構築資訊來進行切割組構,因此過去各種被視為製作複雜而困難的幾何形態,今日相對容易被想像設計,及進行快速的原型測試,設計者藉由不同的數位軟體與製造輸出設備,大大提昇了形式的掌控力與生產效率,今日一組簡易的桌上輸出設備與電腦,就如同一座個人化的小型工廠,支援著各種創意與工藝的實踐。 另一方面,數位設計環境使得設計問題與內容透過網路、社群連結可以被分享,輕易可以接觸到其他有經驗的設計者、甚至使用者而得到回饋改進的機會。這樣「自學」、「自造」的設計學習的模式,將成為未來自我創新人才重要的基本能力。 據此,本校創藝學院配合院內設計學系以及創藝媒體中心所設立的「微自造工坊」,規劃院內跨科際的核心實作課程,導入輕巧的桌上數位生產設備,如輕型CNC銑床、雷射切割機、3D列印機與3D掃瞄機等,並同時運作自造者知識社群網路平台,培養修課同學面對當代各種生活中的設計問題時,能實虛並行、手腦並用地靈活發展測試從概念到構築的不同原型,甚至開發出獨特的新工具與方法,藉著社群知識平台「自學」、「自造」,最終面對真實問題時,可以快速提出最適切解決方案的「自創」能力。In response to the "personalized digital manufacturing" trend of the third wave of the industrial revolution expected by The Economist: the gradual integration of virtual and physical, software and hardware, design and production, contemporary design thinking and processes are different from traditional handicraft methods. , but through three-dimensional operations of virtualization and computing in a digital environment, digital information is directly printed with 3D molding machines, or 2D drawings and construction information are produced from 3D models for cutting and construction. Therefore, various types of processes have been considered in the past. In order to produce complex and difficult geometric forms, it is relatively easy to imagine designs and conduct rapid prototype testing today. Designers use different digital software and manufacturing output devices to greatly improve form control and production efficiency. Today a group Simple desktop output devices and computers are like a personalized small factory, supporting the practice of various creativity and craftsmanship. On the other hand, the digital design environment allows design issues and content to be shared through the Internet and social links, making it easy to contact other experienced designers and even users to get opportunities for feedback and improvement. This "self-study" and "self-made" design learning model will become an important basic ability for self-innovation talents in the future. Based on this, the School of Creative Arts of our school cooperates with the "Micro-Made Workshop" established by the Department of Design and the Creative Media Center to plan interdisciplinary core practical courses in the school and introduce lightweight desktop digital production equipment, such as lightweight CNC milling machines, laser cutting machines, 3D printers and 3D scanners, etc., and also operate the Maker knowledge social network platform to train course students to be practical and practical when facing various design problems in contemporary life. Parallel, use both hands and brain to flexibly develop and test different prototypes from concept to construction, and even develop unique new tools and methods. Through the community knowledge platform, "self-study" and "self-creation", when faced with real problems, you can finally The "self-creation" ability to quickly come up with the most appropriate solutions.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Ann Marie Shillito, “Digital Crafts: Industrial Technologies for Applied Artists and Designer Makers”, 2013, A&C Black Publisher.
2. Melba Kurman & Hod Lipson, “Fabricated – The New World of 3D Printing”, 2013, Wiely Publisher.
3. Mark Frauenfelder (Ed), “Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014”, 2013, Maker Media.
1. Ann Marie Shillito, “Digital Crafts: Industrial Technologies for Applied Artists and Designer Makers”, 2013, A&C Black Publisher.
2. Melba Kurman & Hod Lipson, “Fabricated – The New World of 3D Printing”, 2013, Wiely Publisher.
3. Mark Frauenfelder (Ed), “Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing 2014”, 2013, Maker Media.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Invest time in daily life
design process quality
final product

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS210]
授課教師 Teacher:羅時瑋/邱浩修/呂佳珍/羅際鋐
修課班級 Class:創藝學院3-4,碩博
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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