course information of 103 - 1 | 6851 Contemporary Culture, Idea and Theory-East-West Encounter(當代文化思想與理論 -East-West Encounter)

Taught In English6851 - 當代文化思想與理論 -East-West Encounter Contemporary Culture, Idea and Theory-East-West Encounter

教育目標 Course Target

This course explores the historical encounter between the East and West in architecture, visual art, and music from the 1870s until 1945 (end of WWII). Major issues that we will discuss include the problems related to--or deriving from--Colonialism, Nationalism, Globalization, and Racism. 本課程由音樂、美術、建築三系合開,探討 1870 到 1945 期間,建築、視覺藝術與音樂方面的東西交流;討論主要內容包括殖民主義、國族主義、全球化,以及種族主義。This course explores the historical encounter between the East and West in architecture, visual art, and music from the 1870s until 1945 (end of WWII). Major issues that we will discuss include the problems related to--or deriving from--Colonialism, Nationalism, Globalization, and Racism. This course is taught by the three departments of Music, Fine Arts, and Architecture. It explores the East-West exchanges in architecture, visual arts, and music from 1870 to 1945. The main topics discussed include colonialism, nationalism, globalization, and racism.

參考書目 Reference Books

班納迪克 安德森 [Benedict Anderson],《想象的共同體》,吳叡人譯,台北:時報文化,1999。
恩佐 克羅迪 [Enzo Colloti],《希特勒與納粹主義》,文心譯,北京:三聯,2006。
羅伯托·芬齊 [Roberto Finzi],《反猶主義》,李陽譯,香港:三聯,2004。
羅基敏、梅樂亙 [Kii-Ming Lo and Juergen Maedher], 大地之歌:馬勒的人世心聲。
Gustav Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde. 台北:信實文化,2011。
《馬可波羅行紀》 The Travels of Marco Polo, 馮承鈞譯,台北:台灣古籍,2003。
愛德華·薩依德 [Edward Said],《東方主義》,王志宏等譯,台北:立緒文化,2005。
Spencer, Philip, and Howard Wollman,《民族主義》,何景榮、楊濟鶴譯,台北:偉伯文化國際,2012。

King, Anthony, 1995,“The Times and Places of Modernity (or Who needs Postmodernism ?)”, from: Featherstone ed.,1995, Global Modernities, London: SAGE Publications; pp. 108 - 123。
Shi, Shu-mei (史書美), 2007,《現代的誘惑 : 書寫半殖民地中國的現代主義 1917-1937》, 何恬譯, 南京: 江蘇人民出版社。
朱 濤, 2014,《梁思成與他的時代》, 桂林: 廣西師範大學出版社。
吳文星, 2005,〈日治時期臺灣的教育〉, 私立輔英科技大學講稿。
郭文亮, 2009,〈認知與機制 : 中西「建築」體系之比較〉, 收於:《建築學報》, 第70期, 2009年; 頁. 79 - 103。
郭文亮, 2011,〈一半的建築 — 日治台灣建築認知的一些推想〉, 刊於:《夯》, issue 11, 2011年; 頁. 61- 79。
傅朝卿, 1993,《中國古典式樣建築 : 二十世紀中國新建築官制化的歷史研究》, 台北: 南天書局。
賴德霖, 2007,《中國近代建築史研究》, 北京: 清華大學出版社。
Benedict Anderson, "Imagined Communities", translated by Wu Ruiren, Taipei: Times Culture, 1999.
Enzo Colloti, "Hitler and Nazism", translated by Wen Xin, Beijing: Sanlian, 2006.
Roberto Finzi, "Anti-Semitism", translated by Li Yang, Hong Kong: Sanlian, 2004.
Kii-Ming Lo and Juergen Maedher, Song of the Earth: Mahler’s Human Voice.
Gustav Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde. Taipei: Reliance Culture, 2011.
The Travels of Marco Polo, translated by Feng Chengjun, Taipei: Taiwan Ancient Books, 2003.
Edward Said, "Orientalism", translated by Wang Zhihong and others, Taipei: Lixu Culture, 2005.
Spencer, Philip, and Howard Wollman, "Nationalism", translated by He Jingrong and Yang Jihe, Taipei: Weber Cultural International, 2012.

King, Anthony, 1995, “The Times and Places of Modernity (or Who needs Postmodernism?)”, from: Featherstone ed., 1995, Global Modernities, London: SAGE Publications; pp. 108–123.
Shi, Shu-mei, 2007, The Temptation of Modernity: Writing Modernism in Semi-colonial China 1917-1937, translated by He Tian, ​​Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House.
Zhu Tao, 2014, "Liang Sicheng and His Era", Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
Wu Wenxing, 2005, "Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation", lecture notes at Fuying University of Science and Technology, a private university.
Guo Wenliang, 2009, "Cognition and Mechanism: Comparison of Chinese and Western "Architectural" Systems", in: "Architectural Journal", Issue 70, 2009; pp. 79 - 103.
Guo Wenliang, 2011, "Half of Architecture—Some Inferences on the Architectural Perceptions of Japanese-Conquered Taiwan", published in: "Rang", issue 11, 2011; pp. 61-79.
Fu Chaoqing, 1993, "Chinese Classical Style Architecture: A Historical Study of the Officialization of New Architecture in China in the 20th Century", Taipei: Nantian Bookstore.
Lai Delin, 2007, "Research on the History of Modern Chinese Architecture", Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
attendance & participation 出席與課堂參與attendance & participation 出席與課堂參與
attendance & participation attendance and class participation
outline & bibliography 論文大綱與參考書目outline & bibliography 論文大綱與參考書目
outline & bibliography essay outline and bibliography
oral presentation 口頭報告oral presentation 口頭報告
oral presentation oral report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9,10[C204]
授課教師 Teacher:吳超然/郭文亮/李奉書
修課班級 Class:工工博乙, 建,音,美
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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