1. Familiarize with current issues and researches related to HRM in the hospitality industry.
2. Identify and describe industry related problems and suggest possible research strategies directed toward their solutions.
3. Develop an understanding of applications HRM research being done in the hospitality area.
4. Implement applications research in a hospitality setting.1. Familiarize with current issues and researches related to HRM in the hospitality industry.
2. Identify and describe industry related problems and suggest possible research strategies directed towards their solutions.
3. Develop an understanding of applications HRM research being done in the hospitality area.
4. Implement applications research in a hospitality setting.
餐旅人力資源管理研究課程乃是針對具有餐旅產業經驗的企業菁英分子提供他們更進一步了解餐旅人力資源管理議題的課程。 本課程提供學生透過群體討論以及人力資源管理理論研議深入剖析人力資源管理的困難及可行解決之道。
The research course for catering travel human resource management is a course for corporate elites with experience in catering travel to provide them with further understanding of the issues of catering travel human resource management. This course provides students with in-depth analysis of the difficulties and feasible solutions of human resource management through group discussions and human resource management theory research.
� 觀光暨餐旅人力資源管理~競爭導向管理 by 鄭紹成
� Supported readings:
1. 從A到A+
2. 商業週刊
3. 天下雜誌
4. 遠見雜誌
5. Tourism Management
6. International Journal of Hospitality Management
7. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
8. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism
� Tourism and catering and travel human resources management ~ Competition-oriented management by Zheng Shucheng
� Supported readings:
1. From A to A+
2. Business Weekly
3. The world's mystery
4. See the scoundrel
5. Tourism Management
6. International Journal of Hospitality Management
7. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
8. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個案分析個案分析 Case analysis |
40 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
30 |