course information of 103 - 1 | 6621 Seminar on Economic Development(經濟發展政策專題)

Taught In English6621 - 經濟發展政策專題 Seminar on Economic Development

教育目標 Course Target

開發中國家在追求經濟成長的過程中,可能必須伴隨的社會及經濟制度的給變,本課程主要目的在探討政府的政策及作為對經濟成長與經濟發展的影響,包括政府應如何積極的擬定經濟發展的策略,制定適當的產業政策,以及在促進經濟成長的過程,應如何創造有利於經濟成長的市場條件,以加速經濟的發展。本課程各單元的研習,將輔以過去經濟發展的經驗或當前相關議題,進行討論與分析,讓學員從不同的角度,了解政府過去及目前所推行的政策對國家經濟及人民福利的影響,希望從多面向討論攸關經濟發展的議題,了解政府在經濟發展過程,面對各式經濟問題所可能採行的政策,以及各項政策的可能限制。In the process of pursuing economic growth, developing countries may have to undergo changes in social and economic systems. The main purpose of this course is to explore the impact of government policies and actions on economic growth and economic development, including how the government should actively formulate Economic development strategies, formulating appropriate industrial policies, and how to create market conditions conducive to economic growth in the process of promoting economic growth to accelerate economic development. The study of each unit of this course will be supplemented by discussion and analysis of past economic development experience or current related issues, allowing students to understand the impact of past and current policies implemented by the government on the national economy and people's welfare from different perspectives. I hope to discuss issues related to economic development from multiple aspects and understand the policies that the government may adopt in the process of economic development and face various economic problems, as well as the possible limitations of various policies.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程主要目的,在探討政府的政策及作為對經濟成長與經濟發展的影響。經濟發展的目的在提升國民的生活水準與福利,開發中國家在追求經濟成長的過程中,還將伴隨的社會及經濟制度的演變,政府在成長的過程可以創造有利於經濟成長的市場條件,或積極的擬定經濟發展的策略,並制定適當的產業政策以加速經濟的發展。本課程各單元的研習,將輔以過去經濟發展及當前相關議題,進行個案分析,並進行討論,讓學員從不同的角度,探討政府過去及目前所推行的政策對國家經濟及人民福利的影響,了解政府在經濟發展過程中可以扮演的消極與積極的角色,以及政策的限制。 本課程主要內容包括:(一)了解經濟成長與經濟發展的差異,討論影響短期景氣循環與長期經濟成長的因素及政府可能因應的對策,以及政策的缺點與其極限。(二)探討所得分配不均與貧窮的問題,經濟成長的果實能不能讓全民受益,讓每個人都可以有好日子過?了解M型社會產生的原因,是否由於政策的失當所造成?有什麼樣的積極政策可以解決貧富不均的問題。(三)說明市場經濟對經濟發展的重要性。建立市場經濟財與私有產權讓市場有效率的配置資源,提供生產的誘因,以增加社會最大的福利。討論市場價格調整的問題,油價非漲不可嗎?菜價上漲與油價上漲,有什麼不一樣?(四)探討貨幣制度與金融市場對經濟發展的影響。瞭解為什麼要有新台幣?舊台幣不行嗎?貨幣發行對物價有何影響?政府應有的健全金融監理政策。(五)討論政府的財政收入與支出及社會福利措施,面對債台高築,財政赤字惡化的可能脫困之道。(六)探討全球化自由貿易及區域經濟對本國經濟發展的影響。台灣加入WTO之後的影響,工作可能被搶走嗎?(七)討論全球化的資本市場對台灣經濟的影響,次及房貸的危機造成全球金融風暴,即使一般保守的上班族也受到影響。政府在開放資本市場,以及對國際資金進出的管制,在政策上可能面對問題。 綜上所述,本課程將從多面向討論攸關經濟發展的議題,從台灣過去的經驗及正面臨的問題,可以分析政府在經濟發展過程面對各式經濟問題所可能採行的政策,以及各項政策的限制,作為未來施政的參考。
The main purpose of this course is to explore the impact of government policies and actions on economic growth and economic development. The purpose of economic development is to improve the living standards and welfare of citizens. In the process of pursuing economic growth in developing countries, it will also be accompanied by the evolution of social and economic systems. During the growth process, the government can create market conditions that are conducive to economic growth. Or actively formulate economic development strategies and formulate appropriate industrial policies to accelerate economic development. The study of each unit of this course will be supplemented by past economic development and current related issues, case analysis and discussion, allowing students to explore the impact of past and current policies implemented by the government on the national economy and people's welfare from different perspectives. , understand the negative and positive roles that the government can play in the economic development process, and the limitations of policies. The main contents of this course include: (1) Understand the difference between economic growth and economic development, discuss the factors that affect the short-term business cycle and long-term economic growth and possible government countermeasures, as well as the shortcomings and limits of policies. (2) Discuss the issues of uneven income distribution and poverty. Can the fruits of economic growth benefit all people, so that everyone can live a good life? Understand the reasons for the emergence of M-shaped society. Is it caused by inappropriate policies? What kind of positive policies can solve the problem of wealth inequality? (3) Explain the importance of market economy to economic development. Establishing a market economy and private property rights allows the market to allocate resources efficiently and provide incentives for production to increase the maximum welfare of society. Discussing the issue of market price adjustment, must oil prices rise? What is the difference between rising vegetable prices and rising oil prices? (4) Discuss the impact of monetary systems and financial markets on economic development. Understand why we need the New Taiwan Dollar? Doesn’t the old Taiwan dollar work? What impact does currency issuance have on prices? The government should have sound financial supervision policies. (5) Discuss the government's fiscal revenue and expenditure and social welfare measures, and possible ways out of the situation in the face of high debts and worsening fiscal deficits. (6) Explore the impact of globalized free trade and regional economy on the country’s economic development. What will be the impact after Taiwan joins the WTO? Are jobs likely to be taken away? (7) Discuss the impact of globalized capital markets on Taiwan's economy. The subprime mortgage crisis has caused a global financial crisis, which has affected even conservative office workers. The government may face policy problems when it comes to opening up capital markets and controlling the entry and exit of international funds. To sum up, this course will discuss issues related to economic development from multiple aspects. From Taiwan’s past experience and current problems, we can analyze the policies that the government may adopt to face various economic problems in the economic development process. and the limitations of various policies as a reference for future governance.

參考書目 Reference Books

Miller, R.L., D.K. Benjeamin & D.J. North (徐仁輝、袁孝平譯),2010,公共議題經濟學,台北:致勝文化。
Mankiw, N. Gregory, 2004, Principles of Economics, U.S.: The Dryden Press.
Friedman,Tomas (楊振富譯),2007,世界是平的,雅言文化。
Kay, John (陳琇玲譯),2005,市場的真相:富國恆富,窮人如何翻身,商周出版社。North D.C., 1994, Institutions, Institutional Change & Economic Performance《制度、制度變遷與經濟成就》(劉瑞華譯,台北:時報出版。)
Charles S. Pearson(洪世民譯),2006,一件T恤的全球經濟之旅,寶鼎出版社。
Sen, Amartya(劉楚俊譯),2001,經濟發展與自由,台北:先覺出版社。
Todaro, M. & S.C. Smith, 2006, Economics Development, Addison Wesley.
Yergin, D. & J. Stannislaw, 2002, The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the world Economy, US, Simon and Schuster.
Yunus, Muhammad、Alan Jolis(曾育慧譯),2007,窮人的銀行家,聯經出版公司。

Miller, R.L., D.K. Benjeamin & D.J. North (translated by Xu Renhui and Yuan Xiaoping), 2010, Public Issue Economics, Taipei: Winning Culture.
Hu Chunyuan, Wu Hemao, Huo Deming, Xiong Bingyuan, Economics 2000, Taipei: Shuangye Bookstore.
Mankiw, N. Gregory, 2004, Principles of Economics, U.S.: The Dryden Press.
Lin Zhongxiong, 1995, One Hundred Years of Taiwan's Economic Experience, Taipei: Santong Books.
Friedman, Tomas (translated by Yang Zhenfu), 2007, The world is flat, Yayan Culture.
Kay, John (translated by Chen Xiuling), 2005, The truth about the market: Rich countries stay rich, and how poor people turn around, Shangzhou Publishing House. North D.C., 1994, Institutions, Institutional Change & Economic Performance (Translated by Liu Ruihua, Taipei: Times Publishing.)
Charles S. Pearson (translated by Hong Shimin), 2006, A T-shirt’s Global Economic Journey, Baoding Publishing House.
Sen, Amartya (translated by Liu Chujun), 2001, Economic Development and Freedom, Taipei: Xianjue Publishing House.
Todaro, M. & S.C. Smith, 2006, Economics Development, Addison Wesley.
Yergin, D. & J. Stannislaw, 2002, The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the world Economy, US, Simon and Schuster.
Yunus, Muhammad, Alan Jolis (translated by Zeng Yuhui), 2007, The Poor Banker, Lianjing Publishing Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/12,13
授課教師 Teacher:劉仲戌
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:公共政策組選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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