course information of 103 - 1 | 6614 Seminar on Strategic Leadership & Management(策略性領導與管理專題)

Taught In English6614 - 策略性領導與管理專題 Seminar on Strategic Leadership & Management

教育目標 Course Target

透過管理學者明茲伯格等人所著《策略巡禮》一書,仔細研讀其所指涉之策略管理十大學派,瞭解其起源、理論模型、預設前提與批評,俾讓學生在「瞎子摸象」的過程中逐漸了解策略管理的圖像,其中並透過相關案例分析來助益學生對箇中內容的體會並加活用。Through the book "Strategy Tour" written by management scholars Mintzberg and others, carefully study the ten major schools of strategic management it refers to, and understand their origins, theoretical models, presuppositions and criticisms, so that students can learn more about "The Blind Man". In the process of "Touching the Elephant", students gradually understand the image of strategic management, and relevant case analysis is used to help students understand and apply the content in it.

課程概述 Course Description

策略管理現已成為行政學與管理學的熱門課題,為讓學員能夠瞭解其中涉及的基本概念、核心主題與多元途徑,本課程乃採取著名組織理論學者Henry Mintzberg等人所著之《策略巡禮》(Strategy Safari)為教本,論述箇中所述十個學派:設計學派、規劃學派、定位學派、創新學派、認知學派、學習學派、權力學派、文化學派、環境學派、構形學派。探討每個學派的基本模型、預設前提、最新發展、基本缺失以及適用情境和貢獻,並從中歸納出交叉思維的現世智慧(worldly wisdom),作為「提高勝算」以及「不以一時勝敗為勝敗」的策略思考觀點。在討論過程中,亦將帶入領導學的基本理論之分析與應用,以期對決策與變革得到深入的理解。
Strategic management has now become a popular topic in administration and management. In order to allow students to understand the basic concepts, core themes and multiple approaches involved, this course is based on "Strategy Tour" written by the famous organizational theorist Henry Mintzberg and others. (Strategy Safari) is a textbook that discusses the ten schools mentioned in the book: design school, planning school, positioning school, innovation school, cognitive school, learning school, power school, cultural school, environmental school, and configuration school. Discuss the basic models, presuppositions, latest developments, basic deficiencies, applicable situations and contributions of each school of thought, and summarize the worldly wisdom of intersectional thinking as a way to "increase the odds of winning" and "not to judge victory or defeat at the moment." ” strategic thinking point of view. During the discussion, the analysis and application of basic leadership theories will also be introduced in order to gain a deeper understanding of decision-making and change.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.李明 譯(2001),Robert G. Hagstrom原著,《牛頓、達爾文與投資股票》,台北市:
2.胡瑋珊 譯(2007),Mary Buffett & David Clark原著,《看見價值》,台北市:先覺
3.高子梅 譯(2004),James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner原著,《模範領導》,台北
4.章世佳 譯(2008),John C. Maxwell原著,《領導的黃金法則》,台北市:天下遠
5.齊立文 譯(2009),Donald R. Keough原著,《最珍貴的教訓》,台北市:先覺出
6.楊美齡 譯(2008),Bill George & Peter Sims原著,《領導的真誠修練》,台北市:
7.蔡宏明 譯(2005),Richard Koch原著,《策略》,台北市:梅霖文化事業有限公
8.羅耀宗 譯(2008),Bernd H. Schmitt原著,《大想法策略》,台北市:天下遠見出

1. Translated by Li Ming (2001), original work by Robert G. Hagstrom, "Newton, Darwin and Investing in Stocks", Taipei City:
Block Culture Publishing Co., Ltd.
2. Translated by Hu Weishan (2007), original work by Mary Buffett & David Clark, "Seeing Value", Taipei City: Xianjue
3. Translated by Gao Zimei (2004), original work by James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner, "Exemplary Leadership", Taipei
City: Facebook Publishing.
4. Translated by Zhang Shijia (2008), originally written by John C. Maxwell, "The Golden Rule of Leadership", Taipei: Tianxiayuan
See Publishing Co., Ltd.
5. Translated by Qi Liwen (2009), original work by Donald R. Keough, "The Most Precious Lessons", Taipei City: Xianjuechu
Edition Co., Ltd.
6. Translated by Yang Meiling (2008), originally written by Bill George & Peter Sims, "The Training of Sincerity in Leadership", Taipei City:
Tianxia Vision Publishing Co., Ltd.
7. Translated by Cai Hongming (2005), original work by Richard Koch, "Strategy", Taipei: Meilin Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
8. Translated by Luo Yaozong (2008), originally written by Bernd H. Schmitt, "Big Idea Strategy", Taipei City: World Vision
Edition Co., Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
research report
Class attendance and class performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11
授課教師 Teacher:林鍾沂
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:公共管理組、公共政策組選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 15 人。

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