course information of 103 - 1 | 6606 Seminar on State Development and(國家發展與政府再造專題)

Taught In English6606 - 國家發展與政府再造專題 Seminar on State Development and

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之開設之目的,在於教導學生瞭解與應用為使各國國家(包括已發展國家、開發中國家)從事各項發展,所須具備的一套配合發展需求而設之行政體系、官僚制度、官僚行為等。The purpose of this course is to teach students to understand and apply a set of administrative systems, bureaucratic systems, and systems that are designed to meet development needs in order for countries (including developed countries and developing countries) to engage in various developments Bureaucratic behavior, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

目前世界各國,除了少數的例外,就西方現代化(modernalization)觀點而言,均屬外爍的現代化國家(later modernizers)。這些後現代化國家於第二次世界大戰後,紛紛獲得政治上的獨立,但是,政治上的獨立對該國國力的提升,民眾生活水平的改善,並無多大助益。因此,這些新興國家乃努力追求經濟、軍事上的發展。然而國家發展的達成,非憑空而生,無庸置疑的是建立在一套發展行政的基礎之上,如理性的政府組織結構設計、理性的決策思考、與時更新的法規系統、電腦網路的使用、質量兼優人員的甄募與任用,乃至於行政文化的調整等,皆屬要項。因此,本課程之開設乃因應各國(亦包括開發中國家)國家各項發展,所必須具備之一套配合發展需求而設,異於現行的行政體系、法規系統、官僚制度、官僚行為等的發展行政(Development Administration)。近年來,新公共管理運動、政府再造理論、治理理論風行,許多學者(無論發展行政學者或新公共管理學者)均圍繞於此論述其與國家發展之關係。本課程所論述之發展行政的時空範圍,除了第二次世界大戰後所興起之已開發中國家為主要對象的研究外,亦涵蓋1980年代主要針對已發展國家為對象所產生之新共管理運動、政府再造理論、治理理論。課程教授內容主要包括:國家發展理論、發展行政的內涵、與政府再造理論、實務的探討。
At present, all countries in the world, with a few exceptions, are later modernizers from the perspective of Western modernization. These post-modern countries gained political independence one after another after the Second World War. However, political independence did not contribute much to the improvement of the country's national power and the improvement of people's living standards. Therefore, these emerging countries strive to pursue economic and military development. However, the achievement of national development does not occur out of thin air. It is undoubtedly based on a set of administrative development foundations, such as rational government organizational structure design, rational decision-making thinking, up-to-date legal systems, and computer network development. The selection and appointment of personnel with excellent utilization and quality, as well as the adjustment of administrative culture, are all important matters. Therefore, this course is developed in response to the various developments in various countries (including developing countries). It is designed to meet the development needs and is different from the current administrative system, legal system, bureaucracy, bureaucratic behavior, etc. Development Administration. In recent years, the new public management movement, government reinvention theory, and governance theory have become popular, and many scholars (whether development administration scholars or new public management scholars) have focused on this to discuss their relationship with national development. The temporal and spatial scope of development administration discussed in this course covers, in addition to the research on developed countries that emerged after World War II as the main target, it also covers the New Public Administration movement in the 1980s, which was mainly aimed at developed countries. , Government Reinvention Theory, Governance Theory. The teaching content of the course mainly includes: national development theory, the connotation of development administration, and discussion of government reconstruction theory and practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

Turner, Mark & Hulmer David Governance, Administration and Development 倪達仁、席代麟、王怡文譯,政府再造與發展行政,台北:韋伯文化事業出版社,民國90年11月
Peters, Guy B. The Future of Governing:Four Emerging Model. Lawrence, Kansas:University Press of Kansas. 1996. 孫本初等譯 政府未來的治理模式,台北:智勝文化事業有限公司,民國89年7月
Esman, Milton J.. Management Dimensions of Development. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press. 1991.
Pang Jianguo, National Development Theory——Also on Taiwan’s Development Experience, Taipei: Juliu Book Company, 1982 of the Republic of China
Turner, Mark & ​​Hulmer David Governance, Administration and Development Translated by Ni Dalen, Xi Dailin, and Wang Yiwen, Government Reconstruction and Development Administration, Taipei: Weber Cultural Affairs Press, November 1990
Peters, Guy B. The Future of Governing: Four Emerging Model. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. 1996. Translated by Sun Benchu ​​and others, The Future of Governing: Four Emerging Model, Taipei: Zhisheng Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd., July 1989
Esman, Milton J.. Management Dimensions of Development. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press. 1991.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Article oral presentation
Participate in class discussions
term report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11
授課教師 Teacher:顧慕晴
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:公共管理組修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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