course information of 103 - 1 | 6602 Seminar on Democratic Goverance(民主治理與行政改革專題)

Taught In English6602 - 民主治理與行政改革專題 Seminar on Democratic Goverance

教育目標 Course Target

使學習者能掌握民主治理與行政改革的背景、概念與發展,有助於觀念啟發與實務之運用。It enables learners to grasp the background, concepts and development of democratic governance and administrative reform, which is helpful for conceptual inspiration and practical application.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is divided into two parts: Governance Administrative Reform. In the governance part, we will introduce topics such as citizen participation, network governance, and cross-domain governance; in the administrative reform part, we will discuss important issues such as organizational reengineering, privatization, performance management, and budget reform, hoping to enable participants to master "governance" Dynamic connection with "reform".

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Blackstock, K. L.(2009).Between a rock and a hard place: Incompatible objectives at the heart of river. Water Science & Technology, 59(3): 425-432.
2. Bryson, J. M., B. C. Crosby, & M. M. Stone (2006). The Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaborations: Propositions from the Literature. Public Administration Review, 66 (1): 44-55.
3. Colvin, J. et al. (2008). Building capacity for co-operative governance as a basis for integrated water resource managing in the Inkomati and Mvoti catchments, South Africa. Water SA, 34(6): 681-689.
4. Domenico, MariaLaura Di, et al. (2009). The Dialectic of Social Exchange: Theorizing Corporate Social Enterprise Collaboration. Organization Studies, 30(8): 887–907.
5. Ghose, Rina (2005). The Complexities of Citizen Participation through Collaborative Governance. Space and Polity, 9(1): 61-75.
6. Heikkila, Tanya and Andrea K. Gerlak (2005). The Formation of Large-scale Collaborative Resource Management Institutions: Clarifying the Roles of Stakeholders, Science, and Institutions. The Policy Studies Journal, 33(4): 583-612.
7. Heyns, P. S. vH. (2007).Governance of a shared and contested resource: A case study of the Okavango River Basin. Water Policy, 9(2): 149-167.
8. Ho, Peter (2006). Trajectories for Greening in China: Theory and Practice. Development and Change, 37(1): 3-28.
9. Holmes, Sara & Lance Moir (2007). Developing a conceptual framework to identify corporate innovations through engagement with non-profit stakeholders. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 7 (4): 414-422.
10. Kidd, S. & D. Shaw (2007). Integrated water resource management and institutional integration: Realising the potential of spatial planning in England. The Geographical Journal, 173(4): 312-329.
11. Lee, Tai Sik (2004). Buried treasure. Civil Engineering, 33-41.
12. Makipaa, Marko (2009). Inter-organizational information systems in cooperative inter-organizational relationships: Study of the factors influencing to success. IFIP (Interna
1. Blackstock, K. L.(2009).Between a rock and a hard place: Incompatible objectives at the heart of river. Water Science & Technology, 59(3): 425-432.
2. Bryson, J. M., B. C. Crosby, & M. M. Stone (2006). The Design and Implementation of Cross-Sector Collaborations: Propositions from the Literature. Public Administration Review, 66 (1): 44-55.
3. Colvin, J. et al. (2008). Building capacity for co-operative governance as a basis for integrated water resource management in the Inkomati and Mvoti catchments, South Africa. Water SA, 34(6): 681-689.
4. Domenico, MariaLaura Di, et al. (2009). The Dialectic of Social Exchange: Theorizing Corporate Social Enterprise Collaboration. Organization Studies, 30(8): 887–907.
5. Ghose, Rina (2005). The Complexities of Citizen Participation through Collaborative Governance. Space and Polity, 9(1): 61-75.
6. Heikkila, Tanya and Andrea K. Gerlak (2005). The Formation of Large-scale Collaborative Resource Management Institutions: Clarifying the Roles of Stakeholders, Science, and Institutions. The Policy Studies Journal, 33(4): 583-612.
7. Heyns, P. S. vH. (2007). Governance of a shared and contested resource: A case study of the Okavango River Basin. Water Policy, 9(2): 149-167.
8. Ho, Peter (2006). Trajectories for Greening in China: Theory and Practice. Development and Change, 37(1): 3-28.
9. Holmes, Sara & Lance Moir (2007). Developing a conceptual framework to identify corporate innovations through engagement with non-profit stakeholders. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 7 (4): 414-422.
10. Kidd, S. & D. Shaw (2007). Integrated water resource management and institutional integration: Realizing the potential of spatial planning in England. The Geographical Journal, 173(4): 312-329.
11. Lee, Tai Sik (2004). Buried treasure. Civil Engineering, 33-41.
12. Makipaa, Marko (2009). Inter-organizational information systems in cooperative inter-organizational relationships: Study of the factors influencing to success. IFIP (Interna

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Topic sharing
40 簡報內容、台風、解說表現等;使用PPT簡報列入加分
Final report outline briefing
20 含PPT簡報內容、設計、台風、解說表現及書面資料
Final report
30 期末書面報告
course participation
10 含上課討論、出席演講、班級服務等

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11
授課教師 Teacher:李允傑
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:三組選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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