course information of 103 - 1 | 6568 Development, Analysis and Inter-(心理測驗的編製、分析與解釋)

Taught In English6568 - 心理測驗的編製、分析與解釋 Development, Analysis and Inter-

教育目標 Course Target

1. 介紹古典測量理論及各種測量的研究議題。 2. 介紹並評析心理與教育領域常見的測量工具。 3. 瞭解測驗編製的歷程。 4. 能設計一份良好問卷及收集量化原始資料和分析的能力。 5. 精熟SPSS分析問卷之項目分析、信度及效度分析。 6. 瞭解測驗的類別。 7. 介紹及練習使用AMOS軟體。 8. 運用AMOS做測量工具之驗證性因素分析。 9. 閱讀量表編製相關文獻。 1. Introduce classical measurement theory and various measurement research topics. 2. Introduce and evaluate common measurement tools in the fields of psychology and education. 3. Understand the process of test preparation. 4. Ability to design a good questionnaire and collect quantitative primary data and analyze it. 5. Be proficient in item analysis, reliability and validity analysis of SPSS analysis questionnaires. 6. Understand the types of tests. 7. Introduce and practice using AMOS software. 8. Use AMOS as a confirmatory factor analysis of measurement tools. 9. Read relevant literature on scale development.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 危芷芬譯(2004)。心理測驗。台北:雙葉書廊。
2. DeVellis , R. F.(1999)。量表的發展:理論與應用(吳齊殷譯)。台北市:弘智文化。(英文出版於1991)。
3. 李茂能(2006)。結構方程模式軟體AMOS之簡介及其在測驗編製上之應用。台北市:心理。(必備)
4. 李茂能(2011)。圖解AMOS在學術研究之應用。台北市:五南。
5. 瞿海源編 (2007)。調查研究方法。台北市:三民書局。
6. 吳明隆(2007)。結構方程模式:AMOS的操作與應用。台北市:五南。
7. 吳明隆(2009)。結構方程模式:方法與實務應用。高雄:麗文文化。
8. 榮泰生(2007)。AMOS與研究方法。台北市:五南。
9. 葛樹人(1999)。心理測驗學。台北:桂冠圖書。
10. 張芳全(2008)。問卷就是要這樣編。台北市:心理。
11. Oppenheim, A. N. (2002)。問卷設計、訪談及態度測量(呂以榮譯)。台北市:六合。(英文版出版於1994)。
12. 陳寬裕、王正華 (2010)。論文統計分析實務SPSS與AMOS的運用。台北市:五南
13. 周文欽(2004)。研究方法:實徵性研究取向。台北市:心理。

1. Translated by Wei Zhifen (2004). Psychological testing. Taipei: Shuangye Bookstore.
2. DeVellis, R. F. (1999). Scale development: theory and application (translated by Wu Qiyin). Taipei City: Hongzhi Culture. (Published in English in 1991).
3. Li Maoneng (2006). An introduction to the structural equation modeling software AMOS and its application in test preparation. Taipei City: Psychology. (required)
4. Li Maoneng (2011). Illustration of the application of AMOS in academic research. Taipei City: Wunan.
5. Edited by Qu Haiyuan (2007). Survey research methods. Taipei City: Sanmin Bookstore.
6. Wu Minglong (2007). Structural Equation Patterns: Operations and Applications of AMOS. Taipei City: Wunan.
7. Wu Minglong (2009). Structural equation models: Methods and practical applications. Kaohsiung: Liwen Culture.
8. Rong Taisheng (2007). AMOS and research methods. Taipei City: Wunan.
9. Ge Shuren (1999). Psychometrics. Taipei: Laurel Books.
10. Zhang, Fangquan (2008). This is how the questionnaire is compiled. Taipei City: Psychology.
11. Oppenheim, A. N. (2002). Questionnaire design, interviews and attitude measurement (translated by Lu Yirong). Taipei City: Liuhe. (English version published in 1994).
12. Chen Kuanyu, Wang Zhenghua (2010). Thesis: Application of SPSS and AMOS in statistical analysis practice. Taipei City: Wunan
13. Zhou Wenqin (2004). Research method: Practical research orientation. Taipei City: Psychology.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance, assigned readings, abstracts, questions, reflections and discussions
中文期刊量表文獻報告及評析:書面作業與口頭報告 中文期刊量表文獻報告及評析:書面作業與口頭報告
Report and analysis of Chinese journal scale literature: written assignments and oral reports
期末量表編製報告 期末量表編製報告
End-of-period scale preparation report
Collection of personal learning history files

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/5,6,7[研討室]
授課教師 Teacher:林啟超
修課班級 Class:教育專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:教育研究所資源交流室上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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